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The science of reading marketplace is difficult to navigate and digest. It is often full of misinformation that makes educators, educational leaders, and decision-makers vulnerable to implementing practices that are somehow labeled as “science of reading,” yet they are not aligned with the scientific evidence base. The Reading League Compass provides reliable and understandable guidance for a variety of targeted stakeholders: Educators and Specialists, English Learners / Emergent Bilinguals, Educator Preparation Programs, Administrators, and Policymakers and State Education Agencies.
Heart Word Magic is a teaching tool designed to help students learn to read and spell high-frequency words and sight words, particularly those that aren’t very decodable. Show your students the animations, then try these fun, hands-on free student practice activities.
Not all words use the most common phoneme-grapheme correspondences, but most words are at least partially decodable. Many words appear so frequently in text that children need to learn them before they have been taught the necessary phoneme-grapheme correspondences. The resources in this section provide a range of options for you to teach such words.
Find resources to help students manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and make responsible decisions—creating the healthiest school culture possible.