The State of State Standards Post-Common Core
No matter how good they are, every state’s academic standards need to be updated periodically to reflect the latest advances in content and pedagogy, as well as the lessons learned during their implementation. The overarching goal of this report is to provide helpful guidance to states as they look to modernize their standards in the years ahead.This report focuses on states that have made the most substantive changes to the Common Core, or that never adopted them in the first place. By taking a close look at these states, plus a fresh look at the Standards, the authors identify ideas that are worthy of broader adoption, as well as major mistakes that states should avoid.
Solomon Friedberg, Diane Barone, Juliana Belding, Andrew Chen, Linda Dixon, Francis (Skip) Fennell, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Roger Howe, and Tim Shanahan. The State of State Standards Post-Common Core (August 2018). Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Institute.