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Research Report

Early Grade Teacher Effectiveness and Pre-K Effect Persistence

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The researchers utilized data from a public pre-K evaluation in Tennessee, matched with school administrative records and data from a new teacher evaluation program, to examine the interaction between pre-K participation and a factor that is as elusive to measure as it is universally accepted as vital to student outcomes — teaching quality. The researchers found that students who had attended a state-funded preschool and subsequently had a highly rated 1st grade teacher performed better than children who had a highly rated teacher, but did not attend a state-supported preschool. Analyses indicate a small positive interaction between teaching quality and state pre-K exposure on some but not all early elementary cognitive measures, such that better teaching quality in years subsequent to pre-K is associated with more persistent positive pre-K effects.


Walker A. Swain, Matthew G. Springer, Kerry G. Hofer (2015) Early Grade Teacher Effectiveness and Pre-K Effect Persistence, Evidence From Tennessee, AERA Open Oct-Dec 2015, 1 (4) DOI: 10.1177/2332858415612751.