Charlie and Mouse enjoy a weekend with their grandfather known as Grumpy. The gentle family story of and older and younger brother enjoying each other and the company of an older relative is cozily illustrated and divided into short chapters, similar to the first story about these characters, Charlie & Mouse (opens in a new window).
Her mother was a laundress but Anna was inspired by dance and music she saw in the Russian theater. A lyrical text is complemented by evocative illustrations to evoke the spirit of the life, work and travels of prima ballerina, Anna Pavlova. Even her death is subtly presented in both word and image for a stirring introduction to an amazing artist
A young girl and an older woman, Honey, bond over Honey’s garden and her chickens. When Honey must move away, the narrator is devastated until new neighbors move in and the girl can show them how to maintain the garden. An author’s note reveals that her story is loosely based on a Talmudic story about the value of effort not simply the harvest.