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Today’s Literacy Headlines

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Students with dyslexia need structured reading instruction (opens in a new window)

Smart Brief

April 30, 2020

With all of the confusion surrounding the science of reading and what we have learned about how we learn to read, a unifying term has finally been born to explain the best practice in reading instruction for students with dyslexia. Here’s why Structured Literacy is the most effective approach to reading instruction for students with dyslexia and how you can implement it in your classroom. Structured Literacy is a trademarked term used by the International Dyslexia Association to describe the best approach for reading instruction. This approach is based on the science of how the brain learns to read and supports the methods of instruction known as Orton-Gillingham. Many research-based reading programs are based on the principles of Structured Literacy.

The challenge of distance learning for parents of children with special needs (opens in a new window)

PBS NewsHour

April 30, 2020

In the U.S., roughly 14 percent of students enrolled in public school receive special education services. As families across the nation are grappling with how to teach their students from home, we wanted to look at the particular challenges parents of these students are facing. Here’s what we heard. One father says, “He often requires a set of highly specific and intensive supports. I am not a trained special ed teacher. I’m not trained in providing him those supports. And if what I did all day was just sit with him and work on education, I think we could really accomplish a lot. But I’m not able to do that, because I’m working from home.”

What Are Kids Reading Now? Follett Reveals the Top Ebook and Audiobook Checkouts. (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 30, 2020

With schools shuttered due to the pandemic, are kids still reading? They are, according to data from Follett. “We have seen about a 15 percent increase in [book] usage compared to last year,” says Doug Thompson, a spokesman for the company, a leading provider of books in the K–12 market. Based on circulation data, the following lists of most popular ebook and audiobook titles reveal some surprises. The top three ebooks for kindergarten through third grade were Spanish language titles, including nonfiction about matter, birds, and rainbows. Top 25 titles for grades 3–6, on the other hand, were dominated by tried-and-true favorites from popular authors, such as Kate DiCamillo, Cece Bell, and Lincoln Peirce with his “Big Nate” series.

An Easy Way To Help Kids Learn At Home: Turn On The Captions (opens in a new window)


April 29, 2020

A new organization is pushing for children’s TV and video programs to automatically display captions to boost literacy. It’s an easy thing to do, and it has even more research behind it than advocates realize. The goal of a U.K.-based advocacy group called Turn on the Subtitles, or TOTS, is to raise awareness among parents to turn on those captions at home—or, better yet, to have broadcasters and content providers display the captions automatically on programs directed at six- to ten-year-olds. TOTS relies on research showing that children generally do read captions when they’re available, and that they lead to significantly better outcomes, especially among those who struggle with reading.

Schools Face Challenge Of Teaching Reading In Proven Way – And Now In A Pandemic (opens in a new window)

KGOU (Norman, OK)

April 29, 2020

Reading experts and brain scientists agree nearly every child can learn to read if they are taught using explicit, systematic, research-based instruction. So why aren’t all teachers and schools using this method? Many Oklahoma students struggle to read. Only 29% of Oklahoma fourth graders – and 26% of eighth graders – were at or above proficiency in reading in the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress, compared with 34% and 32% nationally. The problem is especially acute among low-income children. Yet state officials say many teachers still use reading-instruction theories that brain research has shown don’t work and can be detrimental. That problem could become more severe in the fall, when school resumes and teachers must deal with students who fell behind during the pandemic.

Seven Tips for Parents Schooling Special Needs Kids (opens in a new window)

Boca Raton Tribune (Boca Raton, FL)

April 29, 2020

A special education teacher offers help and advice for parents of kids with learning disabilities during this learning-at-home period. By now you’ve had a few weeks of virtual learning with your child. I hope things are getting easier and routines are starting to be established. Homeschooling has been a difficult transition for everyone, but it is especially challenging for parents of children with special needs. Children with learning disabilities often need routines to establish security, stability and predictability. Routines help children know what to expect and how to deal with the stress of a completely new learning environment.

Julie Andrews Launches Children’s Book Podcast To Keep Kids Entertained (opens in a new window)


April 29, 2020

Actress Julie Andrews and her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton, have launched a new weekly children’s book podcast Julie’s Library, presented by American Public Media, to help keep kids entertained while staying home. “It is our hope that the stories and ideas we share on Julie’s Library will provide family listening pleasure, inspire meaningful conversations, and be a trusted resource for literary enjoyment and learning.” Andrews told CBS News she hopes the podcast will “encourage reading and literacy and, I mean, all those subliminal things that go along with enjoying a good book.” The mother/daughter team are the co-authors of over 30 books, including The Very Fairy Princess and numerous sequels. “We discuss the thoughts and meanings behind the stories. We discuss words. I hope that at this time in everyone’s life it’s something that will get children thinking. You can listen to it with parents and grandchildren and friends,” The Sound of Music star told Today.

It’s time to stop debating how to teach kids to read and follow the evidence (opens in a new window)

Science News

April 28, 2020

The vast majority of children need to be taught how to read. Even among those with no learning disabilities, only an estimated 5 percent figure out how to read with virtually no help, says Daniel Willingham, a psychologist at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and author of Raising Kids Who Read. Yet educators have not reached consensus on how best to teach reading, and phonics is the part of the equation that people still argue about most. Data suggest that kids who get systematic phonics lessons score the equivalent of about half a grade level ahead of kids in other groups on standardized tests, literacy researcher Timothy Shanahan says. Some of the most compelling evidence to support a phonics-focused approach comes from historical observations: When schools start teaching systematic phonics, test scores tend to go up.

Schools Lean on Staff Who Speak Students’ Language to Keep English-Learners Connected (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 28, 2020

Distance learning has posed a significant challenge for families who are not fluent in English and the teachers who educate them and will continue to be in the months ahead. Nearly 5 million U.S. schoolchildren are classified as English-language learners and millions more come from homes where their parents speak a different language: About 1 in 4 children, roughly 18 million, in the nation’s K-12 schools live with immigrant parents. As they struggle to keep instruction going for this vulnerable group of students, school districts around the country are leaning heavily on multilingual staff—employees that have become more of a necessity than a luxury during the nation’s widespread school closures—to connect with these English-learner and immigrant families. The stakes are high: Among advocates and researchers, there is concern that the extended school closures happening across the nation could exacerbate the struggles of a student population that already faces a high risk of experiencing homelessness, hunger, and academic struggle.

A Constitutional Right to Literacy for Detroit’s Kids? (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

April 27, 2020

Already ravaged by poor health outcomes and joblessness before a crushing wave of Covid-19 cases, the people of Detroit received welcome news Thursday in the form of a long-awaited ruling from a federal Court of Appeals. In Gary B. v. Whitmer, a three-judge panel on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals held that Detroit’s students enjoy a “fundamental right” to literacy under the United States Constitution. If allowed to stand, this landmark ruling could force the State of Michigan to dramatically improve the quality of education offered to thousands of Detroit’s most disadvantaged students. Sadly, the decision is likely to be reversed. The political and economic reality is that if poor children and children of color in Detroit are ever to have the schools they deserve, state elected officials — not the courts — will need to be the ones to deliver it.

Podcast: School Librarian Lynn Kleinmeyer Talks Shifting Role of School Librarians (opens in a new window)

New America

April 27, 2020

Listen to this interview with Lynn Kleinmeyer, a Digital Learning Specialist at an education service agency in eastern Iowa called Grant Wood AEA. Her background as a literacy teacher and teacher librarian afford her a unique perspective when it comes to OER and instructional materials. She has quickly become a go-to for many educators in and out of the state of Iowa for her work on OER, copyright and Creative Commons, and a deep understanding of why school librarians are so important.Learn about the shifting role of the school librarian around the development and support of literacy in both traditional and non-traditional ways, access to curated resources for students and educators, including OER, and honoring learners at every age, level, ability, and population and ensuring materials are inclusive and representative. Our school librarians are allies in this OER work and we need to make sure that we’re including them from the very beginning.

Unlocking the code to reading instruction (opens in a new window)

Smart Brief

April 27, 2020

Mastery of foundational and complex reading skills must be the non-negotiable goal of education when society expects its citizens to be civically engaged, able to access and use a range of texts, and carry out everyday responsibilities as a contributing member of society. In Clayton County Public Schools, just south of metro Atlanta, we have been more intentional with helping to fulfill this promise to our students. We have taken clear steps to ensure more of our students learn to read during their primary years so that they are ready to “read to learn” – beyond the formative years. To confront and improve students’ literacy outcomes, we decided to take a solution-oriented approach by: increasing leaders and teachers’ understanding of how students learn to read and comprehend at deep levels; implementing a comprehensive reading program; and engaging all stakeholders for collective momentum.

Why Kids Know Even Less About History Now—And Why It Matters (opens in a new window)


April 27, 2020

Recent tests show American students are getting worse at history, geography, and civics—and they were pretty bad to begin with. It’s time for America’s education policymakers, commentators, and officials to stop providing misleading explanations that will only lead to more hand-wringing about low scores—not to mention to continued dysfunction in our democratic society. Instead, they could urge schools to start teaching history, geography, and civics beginning at the elementary level, using newly developed curricula that focus on those topics—some of which are are even available for free.

Engaging with the Ambassador: Write.Right.Rite. with Jason Reynolds (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 27, 2020

Jason Reynolds, our current Library of Congress National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, chose the platform, GRAB THE MIC: Tell Your Story. His two-year term is devoted to listening and empowering students to share their own personal stories. While he might not currently be traveling around the country, he is speaking directly to young people in his GRAB THE MIC monthly blog/newsletter, published the first Monday of each month. Another element of Reynolds’ platform is Write. Right. Rite. The video series invites kids to creatively engage with the Ambassador’s passion for storytelling while discussing topics like creativity, connection, and imagination

With Schools Closed, Bringing Books to Students in Need (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

April 24, 2020

Like many students who have shifted to remote learning, Leslie Novoa’s three children are jumping on Zoom calls and missing their classmates. Ms. Novoa and her family live in a shelter in Brooklyn run by the nonprofit organization Win, a major provider of shelter for homeless families in New York. On Tuesday, her little ones heard some good news: Win was distributing free books to the children in the facility. The books came from First Book, a nonprofit that provides free and inexpensive books and learning materials to children in need. To help organizations like First Book as they assist some of those most impacted by the coronavirus, The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund has started a Covid-19 Relief Campaign. This monthlong campaign will benefit First Book and three other agencies offering support to those affected by the outbreak.

How to Decrease Screen Time for Students (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 24, 2020

We know we should limit kids’ screen time. But learning has moved online. What can educators, parents, and students do to make sure online learning doesn’t become unhealthy? Here are three recommendations for keeping our online lives as healthy as possible: Teachers who want their students to watch videos as part of their homework might consider which could be listened to instead—perhaps during a walk around the neighborhood (while practicing social distancing!). For taking notes, encourage students to go analog. Even before I converted my own course to a distance-learning format, I asked students to bring a notebook and pencil to class. Scientific research shows that taking notes by hand is more beneficial than typing away on a laptop. When delivering an online class, periodically cue students to look away from the screen (e.g., “Now, from memory, redraw the figure we discussed last week”).

How Remote Education Is Revealing Alarming Learning Gaps, Particularly for Low-Income Families (opens in a new window)

The 74

April 24, 2020

Before he became a journalist, Nehemiah Frank was a teacher and school administrator. So when the schools closed in Tulsa, where Frank edits The Black Wall Street Times, he was the family member best positioned to oversee distance learning for his 5-year-old cousin Caillou. The first packet sent home from school contained second-grade work. That was frustrating, but not as disconcerting as issues that arose as Frank and Caillou started making their way through kindergarten-level assignments that followed. The boy had speech issues, did not know all the alphabet, could not recognize the most basic sight words and had terrible penmanship. Before Frank took over his schooling, the family wasn’t aware of any of this. With the help of a friend who is a speech pathologist and some online resources, Frank used the first month of the school shutdown to teach Caillou to pronounce his letters and helped him rocket ahead in math. But he wonders how far behind the boy would have fallen.

9 Ways Schools Will Look Different When (And If) They Reopen (opens in a new window)

National Public Radio

April 24, 2020

Three-quarters of U.S. states have now officially closed their schools for the rest of the academic year. While remote learning continues, summer is a question mark, and attention is already starting to turn to next fall. Recently, governors including California’s Gavin Newsom and New York’s Andrew Cuomo have started to talk about what school reopening might look like. And a federal government plan for reopening, according to The Washington Post, says that getting kids back in classrooms or other group care is the first priority for getting back to normal. Here are nine key ideas — drawn from interviews with public health experts, education officials and educators around the country — for what reopening might look like

8th Graders Don’t Know Much About History, National Exam Shows (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 23, 2020

Eighth graders’ grasp of key topics in history have plummeted, national test scores released this morning show. Except for the very top-performing students, scores fell among nearly all grade 8 students in history on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also called the Nation’s Report Card, compared with 2014 results. Scores fell in geography, too. Only in civics, the third subject tested, did students’ scores remain flat. The history and geography findings add to growing evidence of a broad-based widening of learning gaps between top performers and the most struggling students. “The bottom of the distribution is dropping at a faster rate,” said Peggy Carr, the associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP. “These results are not designed to point to why this is also happening, but we clearly see a correlation here that’s disturbing.” Different groups of 8th graders took NAEP’s 8th grade reading and its civics, geography, and history tests, but Carr surmised that students who struggle to read would likely face an uphill fight with the social studies subjects.

Autism Amid Uncertainty: Expert Advice for Parents and Teachers (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 23, 2020

Coping with the unknown brought on by the novel coronavirus pandemic could prove especially difficult for students with autism, many of whom struggle with communication and abrupt changes in routine. To help families and educators, the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder compiled a guide, “Supporting Individuals with Autism During Uncertain Times” that recommends seven strategies to support the needs of individuals with autism. The 60-page guide includes exercises and resources designed to help caregivers implement the strategies at home. Among 8-year-old children, about 1 in 54 are identified with autism spectrum disorder, recently released Centers for Disease and Control Prevention data indicate. Kara Hume, an associate professor of applied developmental science and special education at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, School of Education and faculty fellow at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, led the team that created the guide. In this Q&A, Hume, a former elementary school special education teacher, offers advice on how schools and families can work together to support students with autism as they adjust to life without school. The questions and answers have been edited for length and clarity.

Report: State preschool programs at risk of ‘long-term damage’ (opens in a new window)

Education Dive

April 23, 2020

Last year saw small increases in pre-K spending, enrollment and quality, but the authors of the annual report, State of Preschool Playbook, say bipartisan action is needed to protect programs from another recession. Publicly funded early-childhood education programs are at risk of experiencing “long-term damage” due to the pandemic’s effect on the economy, according to leaders of the National Institute for Early Education Research. “The current and looming economic crisis poses a considerable threat to state-funded pre-K,” said W. Steven Barnett, NIEER’s senior co-director and founder. “It needs to grow and improve, not just hold on.” Barnett noted even with the country entering a recession, he’s encouraged preschool has been a bipartisan issue, and states that lean in opposite directions politically “share a commitment to high-quality preschool education.”

2020 Global Literacy Award presented to Little Free Library (opens in a new window)

Language Magazine

April 23, 2020

Little Free Library, a nonprofit based in Hudson, Wisconsin, United States was awarded for contribution to global literacy from the World Literacy Foundation. The Little Free Library was awarded for its significant contribution to global literacy. The announcement was made today at the World Literacy Summit. Little Free Library aims to inspire a love of reading, builds community and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world. It is reported that two out of three children living in poverty have no books to call their own, and children growing up in homes without books are on average three years behind children in homes with lots of books. The library aims to fill these book deserts by placing libraries where they can make a big impact through the Impact Library Program. Proudly recording over 100,000 book-sharing boxes in over 100 countries around the world, Little Free Library helps to exchange millions of books annually.

Twenty Years After the National Reading Panel, It’s Time for a Reading Rights Movement (opens in a new window)

The 74

April 22, 2020

The National Reading Panel’s findings remain as strong and supported as they were that April day 20 years ago last week. The panel emphasized that good reading instruction incorporates explicit and systematic instruction in five components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Despite the clarity of the NRP’s determinations, we are still facing the same literacy challenges two decades later. We have continued to fail at improving the teaching and learning of reading. More than a third of our fourth-graders still can’t read at grade level, according to national tests, with the numbers even more dire when it comes to African-American, Latino and low-income students. As highlighted by journalists such as APM Reports’ Emily Hanford, although we may know how to effectively teach virtually all children to successfully read, we simply aren’t putting that knowledge to work in our teacher education programs and elementary school classrooms.

Prolonged school closures could be very costly for America’s students (opens in a new window)


April 22, 2020

Prolonged school closures associated with the coronavirus pandemic are likely to have a major and negative affect on children’s learning, according to a wide range of experts — leaving some students behind academically for years to come, and even leading to meaningful lost income over the course of their lifetimes. Problems are likely to be especially concentrated in younger children and lower-income households, but not necessarily limited to them. Andrew Rotherham, the co-founder of Bellwether Education Partner and an education policy staffer in the Clinton administration, offered the most optimistic assessment I found, telling me that for middle-class parents of older kids, “this will be not that big of a deal.” Even so, he says he’s very worried about “early grades where we’re focused on literacy, which really is foundational to your experience in school and life” as well as for low-income kids of all ages.

Podcasts To Pair with CSLP’s Summer Reading Theme (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 22, 2020

In the midst of the coronavirus, summer reading may not feel like a top priority—but the school break will be here before we know it. How can educators help keep kids engaged from afar? This podcast playlists for elementary, middle, and high school listeners can help. Each list is pegged to this year’s Collaborative Summer Library Program reading theme, Imagine Your Story. These podcasts are free and easy to listen to from any device via popular apps such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher or from a website like the podcast search engine Listen Notes. You can link these playlists to your library’s summer reading web page or create your own using Listen Notes, which lets you build and share playlists with its Listen Later feature.

Reading & Writing Instruction in the Age of the Coronavirus (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 21, 2020

The new question-of-the-week is: What can reading and writing instruction look like in the age of the coronavirus? All contributors today are teachers in the National Writing Project network. The National Writing Project is the nation’s largest network of teacher-leaders, K-university and across the curriculum, focused on improving the teaching of writing and learning in schools and communities nationwide.

WY Lit: Phonemic awareness (opens in a new window)

Wyoming Tribune Eagle (Cheyenne, WY)

April 21, 2020

Reading research has shown that phonemic awareness is the most reliable early predictor of a child’s reading ability, a better predictor than even a child’s IQ. Phonemic awareness refers to a person’s ability to identify and manipulate the individual sounds in words. Difficulties with phonemic awareness can cause reading and spelling problems, because if a child has difficulty identifying individual sounds in words, the child will have trouble connecting those sounds to letters. Reading and spelling require accurate and efficient connections between the sounds of our language and the letters that represent those sounds.

This Is Schooling Now for 200,000 N.Y.C. Children in Special Education (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

April 21, 2020

The sudden switch to remote learning for the 1.1 million public school students in New York City has presented the nation’s largest school system with its greatest challenge in decades. There is also a crisis within the crisis. The city is home to roughly 200,000 public school students with disabilities. Now, the already-strained special education system must transform how they are educated, which includes crucial services — like speech, occupational and physical therapy — that are extremely difficult and in some cases impossible to translate online.

Pre-K Teachers Are Making House Calls. It’s Helping Kids Succeed. (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

April 20, 2020

The Moravia Judy Center, which runs early childhood programs at Moravia Park Elementary School, started its home visiting program for pre-K and kindergarten students in 2016, sending pairs of teachers into students’ homes in an effort to build mutually supportive relationships with their families, most of whom are poor enough to qualify for public assistance. The visits are modeled after a method that was devised more than two decades ago by Parent Teacher Home Visits, a nonprofit based in Sacramento, and have quickly expanded to more than 700 communities in 27 states and Washington, D.C. With its method, teachers and school staff travel in pairs to visit a family at least once — either at home or in a neutral public setting like a park — usually ahead of the school year. The teachers arrive prepared to listen: They do not take notes, fill out paperwork or lecture. Instead, they want to know about the family’s hopes and dreams for their child, and connect with their soon-to-be student in a nonschool setting.

Better Messaging on the ‘Word Gap’: Talk With, Not Just To, Children (opens in a new window)

New America

April 20, 2020

Talking with children builds their vocabularies and knowledge. But as a result of the press around the documented “word gap,” or the large average differences in how much parents from high versus low socioeconomic backgrounds talk with their children, parents might feel pressure to continuously talk to their children. We know from the science that this isn’t quite right. Our work shows that the quality of the talk matters more than the quantity, and that children themselves need to be engaged in the conversations for more learning to occur. For example, in recent work led by Rachel Romeo we found that children who engage in more conversations at home, not children who hear more talk, show more efficient brain processing when they listen to language and have better language skills. It’s the conversations that are key to learning. Perhaps even more importantly, this isn’t all about learning words – it’s about building knowledge, as words bring with them concepts and ideas.

The Pandemic Is a Crisis for Students With Special Needs (opens in a new window)


April 20, 2020

For students with special needs—roughly 7 million in the U.S. ages 3 to 21—the coronavirus pandemic, and its attendant school closures, can be especially scary. At school, they get individualized attention from professionals who are trained in, and deeply familiar with, their unique ways of thinking, perceiving, and processing. But no amount of love and care at home can turn the average parent into a special-education teacher overnight. Nor can it enable them to practice occupational, speech, or physical therapy—services that are provided in many schools, but aren’t always covered by insurance and can therefore be otherwise out of reach. “A lot of students have had one-on-one professionals with them in the classroom, along with general-education and special-education teachers supporting them,” Elizabeth Barker, an accessibility researcher with the Northwest Evaluation Association, told me. “Now we’re asking parents to step into all of these roles.” For many special-education students, the tools that other children are using to make remote education possible—online platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, printed work packets—just aren’t accessible. Students with disabilities often use assistive technology; for instance, a student with visual impairments might use screen-reader software to have text read aloud, or a braille reader to read the text themselves. But a lot of online platforms aren’t compatible with assistive technology—and even when they are, other problems frequently arise.

Michelle Obama is hosting a weekly story time for kids during the pandemic (opens in a new window)


April 20, 2020

For all the exhausted families trying to keep their children entertained during the coronavirus pandemic, here’s some good news: Michelle Obama is hosting story time. The former first lady announced that she is teaming up with PBS Kids and Penguin Random House to host a weekly read-aloud series. For four weeks starting on April 20, Obama will read from one of her favorite children’s books in an event called “Mondays with Michelle Obama.” First up on the list is “The Gruffalo,” written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. Families can tune in to the livestream on PBS Kids’ Facebook page and YouTube channel, or the Penguin Random House Facebook page.

Kids Prefer Books That Tell Them Why Things Happen (opens in a new window)


April 17, 2020

New research finds that harnessing children’s interest in cause and effect promotes early literacy. Young children are committed to making sense of their world. That’s why they exhaust the adults around them by getting into everything. A new study, born of the insight that kids want to understand how things work, gives an exciting clue on how to get kids excited about reading. Kids prefer books rich in details on causality.

Tuscaloosa City Schools Find Success with Librarian, Reading Specialist Partnerships (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 17, 2020

Creating lifelong readers is the goal of any school program, but many districts struggle with how to build a culture of literacy among students. Faced with that dilemma, educators in Tuscaloosa, AL, set out to find a solution and discovered the answer was right in front of them: Put the people most closely involved with reading in the same room—school librarians, reading specialists and literacy coaches. This holistic approach to literacy, one that engages the very staff who address reading at every level, is paying dividends. The early successes lead district officials to believe their goal of making sure every third grader can read on grade level is achievable.

KidsPost Two bunnies need an end for their story. So hop to it. (opens in a new window)

The Washington Post

April 17, 2020

Author Mary Amato offers help to jump-start your creativity. Everybody loves a good story. As an author, I’ve got to make sure that every story I write has a strong beginning, a surprising middle and a satisfying end. Here’s the beginning and middle of a new funny story — and now I’m challenging you to finish it! You’ll find tips for the writing process and suggestions for how you can share the story once you’re done. Grab your notebook, sharpen your pencil and turn on your brain.

11 Books That Embrace Disabilities and Differences (opens in a new window)


April 17, 2020

It’s important for children to understand that everyone is different, and that our differences make us wonderful and unique. But sometimes, this message isn’t so easy to convey. These books that celebrate differences and disabilities highlight characters who are different from (and in some cases similar to) the reader. From the real life story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, who had a deformed leg and eventually became a cyclist, to John Green’s novel about a girl coping with anxiety, these books embrace the things that make us who we are.

‘Everything has changed’: A look at K-12 education under coronavirus (opens in a new window)

APM Reports

April 17, 2020

Sarah Garland is the executive editor at The Hechinger Report, and she’s been watching as parents like her across the country have been forced to sub as teachers while schools are closed because of COVID-19. For students, school as a mainstay of day-to-day life has evaporated. Garland talked about what she’s hearing from teachers, parents and students as they adapt. She also shares what she’s experiencing herself and what changes might still be yet to come. “What I think is fascinating is that these districts and experts know that online learning — completely remote education — is really, mostly, a last resort. That the vast majority of technology used in education goes with a really skilled, in-person teacher and that’s what’s missing. So even in these places that absolutely know what they’re doing, and have teachers who’ve been trained for years in how to use technology well and do online learning in the classroom, are still struggling because they’re missing that key in-person element, which is the relationships with kids, peer-to-peer interactions, all of that stuff that a great teacher knows how to do and that you just cannot do very well online.”

States Face Thorny Issues in Deciding When to Reopen Schools Post-Pandemic (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 16, 2020

Across the nation, differing visions of how and when to reopen school buildings that were closed—many for the rest of the school year—to slow the spread of the coronavirus are creating tension among local, state, and federal officials. “There is no research and there is no best practice for this kind of mass extended closure,” said Stephen Pruitt, the president of the Southern Regional Education Board and a former education commissioner in Kentucky. “This is going to be new for everyone.” Governors—working alone or in cooperation with newly created multistate consortia—are considering a variety of factors as they determine when to ease their stay-home directives in general and when to reopen schools. Those factors include whether public health officials can effectively track the spread of the virus to allow for more targeted mitigation efforts; whether hospitals are prepared and equipped to treat patients; and what modifications schools should make to their operations to allow for social distancing in classrooms.

Story Seeds Podcast Brings Author, Reader Collaborations to Listeners (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 16, 2020

A new podcast that pairs kids ages six to 10 with authors to create short stories aims to spark creativity in its young listeners. Betsy Bird, a librarian who blogs at “A Fuse #8 Production,” hosts The Story Seeds Podcast, which was created by Sandhya Nankani. Season one includes a coronavirus PSA by Jason Reynolds and episodes feature Reynolds as well as authors Dan Gutman, Veera Hiranandani, Chris Grabenstein, Aram Kim, Rajani larocca, Carlos Hernandez, Susan Muaddi Darraj, Bil Lepp, and Tracey Baptiste. They meet with children in New York City, sometimes take a little field trip, and turn their discussion and adventure into a growing story.

How Does a Shared School and Public Library Work? Take a Look at Mine. (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 16, 2020

A partnership between your public library and the public school district makes sense. Both organizations can save money by sharing space, personnel, and collections. Both can reach out to new patron groups through shared programming and marketing and leverage their partnership when it comes to advocacy and grant writing. What’s not to like? Before making the leap into a partnership, it’s important for decision makers to understand the sometimes complex issues at hand. In my 10-plus years as library director, the issues that require the most consideration are space, collection building, personnel, and programming and marketing.

Educators Get Creative To Serve Students With Disabilities (opens in a new window)

National Public Radio

April 15, 2020

As schools and learning have moved online, one of the biggest challenges has been providing special education. An estimated 14% of public school students receive such services in the U.S., and federal law requires schools to provide them. The U.S. Education Department has offered schools some flexibility, but with no road map or template for how to teach special needs students in this new world, teachers have been forced to innovate, adapting as they go along. “We’re seeing kids have services because people are being creative,” says Kelly Grillo, a special education coordinator at Cooperative School Services who oversees special education at two rural school districts in Indiana. She’s inspired by the ways teachers have embraced familiar tools, like Youtube, or apps like Remind. And it’s not all high technology. For students who don’t have access to the Internet, Grillo and her team — like many teachers across the country — are resorting to phone calls and text messages as well.

Should schools teach anyone who can get online – or no one at all? (opens in a new window)

Hechinger Report

April 15, 2020

As every state now deals with schools that have been shuttered to slow the spread of the coronavirus, many district leaders have struggled to figure out how – or even whether – to provide virtual learning for the estimated 55.1 million kids out of school. Expanding e-learning districtwide raises thorny questions about digital equity and access, especially for students with disabilities, children living in poverty and those who are homeless. This has forced school leaders to ask, “If we can’t teach every student equitably, should we be teaching any at all?” In Washington state, districts have spent weeks weighing the dilemma of trying to teach all students, or no students, remotely. The answers have not been simple. But early lessons from the first center of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. could offer a preview of the ongoing questions that will consume the nation’s public schools for months, if not longer, as the temporary closures appear likely to last through the rest of this academic year and potentially into the next.

If online learning isn’t working for your kids, try public television and radio stations (opens in a new window)

The Washington Post

April 15, 2020

There are many school districts across the country that have been struggling to set up distance learning programs for students. Online offerings are sometimes nonexistent or spotty at best, and getting paper work packets to students is a near impossibility with much of the country’s public life shut down because of the covid-19 crisis. So where to turn? One possibility: your local public television and radio stations. Many of these stations across the country are partnering with school districts and state education departments to provide curriculum-based lessons and educational programming — all free and commercial free. And in some places, award-winning teachers are leading the lessons. According to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, its members reach almost 99 percent of the country, including areas where families have no Internet service.

Using Literature to Eradicate Xenophobia: One Educator’s Response to COVID-19 (opens in a new window)

International Literacy Association Daily

April 15, 2020

I have spent much of my time as an educator concentrating on providing mirrors to my students so that they can see their identities reflected in the works that they read. Right now, I am also very consciously making sure I include Asian voices and perspectives to provide windows to non-Asian readers so that they develop the empathy necessary to recognize and combat xenophobia and racism. Luckily for all of us, there are so many good, complex, and contemporary books for all ages about the Asian experience. My 7-year-old son was reading Bao Phi’s A Different Pond. It’s the subtle and beautiful story of a father and son who go fishing together. As they sit quietly and wait for fish, the father talks about growing up in Vietnam, a different pond from where they are now in the United States. We so often live in our own worlds, unable to envision what it is like in others’ landscapes. This is a time for more understanding. Cultural literacy is about fluency in another culture, its customs and beliefs; it is understanding gained through literacy.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Offers Guidelines for Caring for Children (opens in a new window)

Language Magazine

April 14, 2020

As American families shelter in place due to COVID-19, children with hearing loss may need additional help at home, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The association offers parents guidance:, Here are two examples. Turn on closed captioning. Watching Frozen for the 100th time? Even if your child knows every line of the movie by heart, practicing reading along can help them keep up with new dialogue when you finally switch movies or shows. Most streaming services offer the option for closed captions or subtitles. Set aside time for regular face-to-face activities. These could take the form of a board game or meal together. During this time, make sure all screens are down and eyes are up, so everyone can fully capture what is being communicated.

What Teachers Need to Make Remote Schooling Work (opens in a new window)

The Atlantic

April 14, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic has forced the vast majority of schools across the country to close, educators are scrambling to find ways to keep reaching students during a crisis that is exacerbating existing inequities and increasing academic gaps. The twelve teachers interviewed for this story—from the Mississippi Delta to San Francisco, Texas, Arizona, subarctic Alaska, Michigan, and Pennsylvania—identified the four most urgent needs that must be addressed in order to help reduce rapidly increasing disparities in access to learning.

Reading League to launch new reading program on “TV Classroom Network” (opens in a new window)

My Little Falls (Little Falls, NY)

April 14, 2020

Starting April 14th, The Reading League (TRL) will host a daily 30-minute live educational television broadcast on WCNY, Central New York’s PBS affiliate. The program will run from 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM every weekday for the duration of WCNY’s “TV Classroom” broadcasting. The Reading League’s program, called “Letters and Language with Katie and Kelli,” will be hosted by two leading TRL coaches and longtime educators, Kelli Johnson and Katie Sojewicz. The program will primarily serve an elementary-level student audience and focus daily on phonological awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and the blending of words and phrases. Like all TRL programming, the televised lessons will be deeply rooted in evidence-based reading instruction.

4 Fabulous Writing Guides by Teen and Tween Authors (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 14, 2020

One of the most frequent questions an author hears from students is how they started to write—and how young people can start, too. Maybe that’s why a number of middle grade and YA authors have created writing and journaling guides for kids and teens. With schools closed and millions of students learning from home, it’s a fertile time for young people to find their writing voice in the midst of chaos. These four standouts will help.

A glimpse of a second-grade class during the outbreak (opens in a new window)

PBS NewsHour

April 13, 2020

With the outbreak causing indefinite school closures across the country, children are having to figure out new ways of learning and playing together while living in isolation. Special correspondent Karla Murthy checked in on one second-grade class in New York City to get a glimpse of how their worlds have changed – and what remains the same. Classroom social-distancing doesn’t have to mean the end of social traditions.

Literacy Expert on Why Kids Must Keep Reading During This ‘Unprecedented Moment’ (opens in a new window)

Wallace Foundation

April 13, 2020

As schools close in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, educators and parents alike are thinking about how the ways that kids spend the coming months will affect their school readiness in the fall—especially in the development of crucial reading skills. Children living in disadvantaged communities are particularly vulnerable to falling behind. Harvard education professor James Kim has some guidance to offer amid all this uncertainty. Kim is the key person behind READS for Summer Learning, a read-at-home literacy program designed to help students sharpen their reading skills when school is out of session. Research has shown that the program, which was developed for use by school districts, helped students in high-poverty elementary schools gain nearly 1.5 months of reading skills on average compared with non-participants. As the likelihood grows that classroom doors may be shuttered for months, Kim is providing all READS resources free online and is adapting them ​for use by parents and caregivers. Recently, he discussed why reading matters so much, what parents can do to encourage more of it, and how educators should be rethinking summer literacy programs.

How the Language Learning Project Trains California’s Teachers and Caregivers to Support DLLs (opens in a new window)

New America

April 13, 2020

In Dinuba, Calif., in the Central Valley, Dulce Meave cares for 14 children for 11 hours a day. Some arrive as early at 4 a.m. so their parents can go to work in nearby fields or packing houses. Most are Latinx, and about half speak Spanish at home. Yet Meave, a former preschool teacher who opened her home child care program two years ago, hasn’t had the opportunity to have much training in how to support young children under 6 learning two languages. And that’s a shame, because research shows that without specialized support, young dual language learners (DLLs) are likely to fall behind in school and lose their home language. But thanks to $5 million in new state funding, Meave is participating in a unique, locally developed training program to support teachers and caregivers of young DLLs and help ensure children are ready for kindergarten. Developed in Fresno, the Language Learning Project was recently awarded $1 million by California’s Department of Education to expand across the state, one of six funded projects.

A complete list of what to do — and not do — for everyone teaching kids at home during the coronavirus crisis (opens in a new window)

The Washington Post

April 10, 2020

With most of the world’s schools shut because of the coronavirus crisis, you can now find a lot of advice on the Internet about the best ways to carry out distance learning at home, where more than 1.5 billion students are now supposed to be getting their lessons. If you want a thorough rundown of what to do and not to do, read the following 19 strategies from renowned master educator Andy Hargreaves. Hargreaves, a research professor at Boston College and visiting professor at the University of Ottawa, has been working for decades to improve school effectiveness.

Two Libraries In One: When Schools and Public Libraries Share Space, All Users Benefit (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 10, 2020

School-public library collaborations take many forms, with both sides committing to increase access and opportunities. Planning and implementing colocated libraries, where one site serves both an educational institution and the public, can be complex. But those who have established joint-use facilities say the shared libraries can greatly benefit both populations. Whether the partners are fully enmeshed in policy and procedure or have some autonomy, the goal is better access and fiscally responsible resource sharing.

Jason Reynolds To Start Online Initiative as National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

April 10, 2020

When he was named National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature in January, author Jason Reynolds envisioned a crazy year with even more travel and visits to schools and juvenile detention facilities than usual. But, as with everything else, those plans have changed because of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Today, the Library of Congress announced a new way Reynolds would reach out to young people during this stay-at-home-time. On April 14, Reynolds will begin a biweekly video series called, “Write. Right. Rite.” to inspire young people to tell their own stories, as well as a monthly newsletter for parents and educators on “relevant topics of the day.” The program is the first initiative for his platform, “Grab the Mic: Tell Your Story,” and is a collaboration among Reynolds, the Library of Congress (LOC), the Children’s Book Council, and Every Child a Reader. The videos and newsletter will be found on the “Grab the Mic” page on the LOC website.

How parents can make books fun on ‘Drop Everything and Read’ Day, and always (opens in a new window)

Tennessean (Nashville, TN)

April 10, 2020

The timing for this year’s “Drop Everything and Read” Day couldn’t be better. With coronavirus quarantines leaving us at home and looking for things to do, the D.E.A.R. reading celebration day this Sunday could be a welcome distraction and possibly the start of a daily reading habit. D.E.A.R.’s mission is simple: to encourage families to take at least 30 minutes on D.E.A.R. Day to enjoy books together. Nashville Public Library officials say reading aloud to your preschool child is the single most important activity you can do to prepare them for school and that continuing to read to, and with, them is invaluable.

What, exactly, does science say about reading instruction? (opens in a new window)

Seattle Times (WA)

April 09, 2020

For the last 40 years, scientists across a number of disciplines have studied how our brains turn abstract symbols, or letters, into words — in short, how we learn to read. Different pieces of research, using cleverly designed experiments and high-tech brain imaging, have created a fairly clear picture of how the brain learns to wire itself to recognize words on the page, and have shown how the brains of high-flying readers wire themselves to make the process automatic. That’s led to a new idea in some education circles: that there’s a scientific way to teach reading — a systematic approach shaped by those brain-science discoveries that would help most students master literacy by the end of third grade. It’s a system that could be especially helpful to those with learning disabilities, like dyslexia. And the implications might be even more important as school districts and parents seek to teach kids at home in the wake of this month’s widespread school closures.

How Online Book Read-Alouds Can Help Students’ Literacy and Connection During Social Distancing (opens in a new window)

KQED Mindshift

April 09, 2020

The night before a safer-at-home order was issued in her Wisconsin town, all Pernille Ripp could think about was getting to her books. When her middle school opened for a few minutes the next day, the seventh grade English teacher and creator of the Global Read-Aloud grabbed all the books she could from her classroom library, before the school closed for the foreseeable future. “I went to my classroom and grabbed a ton of books I could read aloud to my students online,” Ripp said. “I thought that this might be it for the rest of the school year.” Teachers across the nation are turning to digital read-alouds not only to keep student skills sharp, but to forge connections while they’re apart. Instead of gathering around the rug or a “lit circle” for a story like they used to do in class, some teachers are gathering students on the “virtual rug” of a Zoom conference call or Instagram Live to continue reading books to them. Online read-alouds allow teachers to provide students with a daily dose of literacy—and maybe even some laughs.

Just in Time: a Resource Hub on Remote Learning for Special Education Students (opens in a new window)

Education Week

April 09, 2020

Nearly 30 disability rights and education advocacy organizations have launched, a resource hub and online network designed to answer questions and provide insight about remote learning for special education students during the coronavirus crisis. Keeping services flowing for special education students has been difficult. Confusion over guidance from the U.S. Department of Education and fear of violating federal laws, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, has left some school districts struggling to get their online learning programs off the ground. Acknowledging that difficulty, the alliance aims to provide resources to ensure the millions of students with disabilities in the nation’s schools aren’t further marginalized. users can create a free account to share ideas, contribute to discussions and access case studies and webinars. The site will also host virtual office hours with special education attorneys, parent advocates, and educators to field questions about legal rights and classroom practice.

COVID-19 Online Learning Solutions Present Challenges For Students With Autism, ADHD (opens in a new window)

KUNR (Reno, NV)

April 08, 2020

In response to the spread of coronavirus, schools across the nation, including the University of Nevada, Reno, are transitioning to online learning for a period of time. This adjustment can be a challenge for some students; particularly those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Cady Stanton has coached people with autism or ADHD for the past 15 years and has studied the role it plays in academic outcomes. People who have ADHD or who are autistic tend to have more executive function challenges, to the point where it can really interfere with their productivity, and ability to organize and set goals for themselves. They really do need external support. They also need a lot of understanding and encouragement from those around them, and to not have the challenges that they face minimized.