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Today’s Literacy Headlines

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Should Illinois rewrite the way it funds early learning? The case starts to build. (opens in a new window)


November 13, 2019

Currently only one in four Illinois children shows up to kindergarten prepared, according to results of a state kindergarten readiness assessment. One reason: While the state has invested in quality programs, they reach too few children. A September analysis by the group Illinois Action for Children illustrated vast inequities in how preschool seats are distributed. Some communities have no seats for children from low-income families, while others have an overabundance. How Illinois can fortify its system, which is recognized nationally for its high quality but only reimburses centers between $24 and $32 a day to care for preschoolers, is one of the questions facing the administration of Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

Funding Opportunities Abound. Here’s Where to Find, Apply for, and Get Grants for Libraries. (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

November 13, 2019

In an era of tight library budgets, grants can make the difference between standard and great programming. Librarians use grants for everything from dramatically expanding services to modestly boosting technology. The good news is that funding opportunities abound, whether that means pursuing a large, federally funded grant package or finding a few hundred dollars through local channels. Still, librarians need to know where to look for grants, and how to shape a compelling proposal, implement an initiative, and follow up effectively. Here’s what some librarians have dreamed up, and how they are following through on their winning proposals.

#ILAchat: How Early Childhood Writing Instruction Can Help Improve Literacy (opens in a new window)

Literacy Worldwide

November 13, 2019

Thousands of educators and researchers converged on New Orleans, LA, last month for the ILA 2019 Conference. Interactive panels, casual conversations, and thought-provoking sessions led to new themes emerging from the conference that sparked fresh ideas. For our next #ILAchat on 11/14 at 8pm ET, we will be discussing a theme that continues to generate conversation: how early childhood writing instruction can help improve literacy.

Screen Time Up as Reading Scores Drop. Is There a Link? (opens in a new window)

Education Week

November 12, 2019

American students have never had more access to digital devices for reading in and out of school. Now emerging research and troubling results on the test dubbed the Nation’s Report Card raise questions about what effect all this digital access could have on students’ longterm reading skills. An Education Week analysis of NAEP background data found that in both grades 4 and 8, spending more time using a computer or digital device for English and language arts work was associated with lower reading proficiency on the test. In three separate meta-analyses in the last two years, researchers have found the habits associated with reading digitally can decrease students’ skills in following a narrative, and comprehending text deeply—exactly the skills measured under NAEP’s literary experience content.

An Urgent Call For Improved Reading And Literacy Instruction (opens in a new window)


November 12, 2019

An alarm sounded last week when results from the Nation’s Report Card showed faltering reading levels for America’s young people. The release from the National Association of Educational Progress (NAEP) revealed a decrease in student achievement in 17 states in fourth grade reading and 31 states in eighth grade reading in the last two years. With all of the “breaking news” in our day to day lives, this headline is worthy of real reflection. Our students and our schools need and deserve our help. This week, more than ten leading education groups have issued an urgent call to action to focus on five critical areas, including these: embracing the science of reading; pushing for use of high-quality, standards- aligned curriculum; and advancing the capacity of teachers in teaching literacy by way of teacher preparation programs.

Tips And Tricks Parents Can Use To Nurture a Love of Reading in Kids (opens in a new window)

KQED Mindshift

November 12, 2019

For many families, reading is a pleasurable activity when kids are young, but becomes a battle as kids get older. Parents are more aware than ever that strong reading skills are fundamental to academic success. Teachers also feel pressure to make sure students are reading on or above grade level, often with their evaluations and salaries hanging in the balance. On top of it all, parents are increasingly finding that it’s hard to tempt kids to read when there are more alluring entertainment options like video games, social media and TV to occupy their time. All of this has turned reading into a battleground, when it should be a joyful experience.

Crash Course: Graphic novels for younger readers (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

November 12, 2019

Earlier this month, I shared a bunch of recent picture books that focus on community, caring, inclusivity, and connections. Today, I’m looking at graphic novels that are popular in the elementary library where I work. Just like I firmly believe picture books are for people of all ages, and have value and usefulness for people beyond the “recommended” age group, graphic novels also have wider appeal than their suggested ages may indicate. Even if you just work with older teens, it’s useful to know about these books that may be more widely read by younger readers, but will certainly find older audiences.

It’s Time To Seriously Talk About Reading (opens in a new window)


November 11, 2019

There was somber news released last week on the state of education in America. The independent benchmark called the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP), known as “the Nation’s Report card,” released its 2019 results, and the signs of progress we all were seeking simply weren’t there. In fact, the scores show a decrease in student achievement in 17 states in fourth grade reading, and 31 states in eighth grade reading in the last two years. If you’re not knee-deep in the education world, you may be unaware about the significance of NAEP, but this data is something we should all pay attention to.

New Study Examines the Impact of Different Language Models on DLLs Language Development (opens in a new window)

New America Foundation

November 11, 2019

A growing body of research suggests that DLLs’ academic and language development is well supported by dual language programs that provide instruction in English and the home language with the goal of bilingualism and biliteracy. A new study from the Urban Institute (funded by the Foundation for Child Development) extends this literature base by examining the impact of dual language on the English and Spanish oral proficiency of DLL children in Head Start. Notably, the study was conducted in 153 Head Start and Migrant Head Start classrooms across southern and central California and southern Florida with over 800 children.

Scientific evidence on how to teach writing is slim (opens in a new window)

Hechinger Report

November 08, 2019

The poor quality of student writing is a common lament among college professors. But how are elementary, middle and high school teachers supposed to teach it better? Unfortunately, this is an area where education research doesn’t offer educators clear advice. “What’s very odd about writing is how small the research base is,” said Robert Slavin, director of the Center for Research and Reform in Education at the Johns Hopkins School of Education. “There’s remarkably very little high-quality evidence of what works in writing.” One broad lesson that emerges from the 12 tested programs was that students benefit from step-by-step guides to writing in various genres. Argumentative writing, for example, is very different from fiction writing. The What Works Clearinghouse, a federal government website of scientifically proven ideas in education, also highlights the importance of explicit writing instruction that varies by genre for both elementary and high school students. Another lesson is that students also need explicit grammar and punctuation instruction but it should be taught in the context of their writing, not as a separate stand-alone lesson.

Math Looks The Same In The Brains Of Boys And Girls, Study Finds (opens in a new window)

National Public Radio

November 08, 2019

There’s new evidence that girls start out with the same math abilities as boys. A study of 104 children from ages 3 to 10 found similar patterns of brain activity in boys and girls as they engaged in basic math tasks, researchers reported Friday in the journal Science of Learning. “They are indistinguishable,” says Jessica Cantlon, an author of the study and professor of developmental neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University. The finding challenges the idea that more boys than girls end up in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) because they are inherently better at the sort of thinking those fields require. It also backs other studies that found similar math abilities in males and females early in life.

7 Enlightened Methods for Teaching Students with ADHD and LD (opens in a new window)

ADDitude Magazine

November 08, 2019

Teaching methods and ideologies matter — a lot. For students with ADHD or learning disabilities, who learn outside the box, it can make all the difference in the world to have an enlightened educator who understands that process trumps outcome, that anxiety impedes learning, that every child has innate strengths, and these four additional educational truths.

Brad Meltzer’s kid-friendly history comes to PBS (opens in a new window)

Tampa Bay Times

November 08, 2019

Author Brad Meltzer lives in South Florida, but he’s in Washington, D.C., this weekend. A new PBS children’s series, Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum, based on Meltzer’s Ordinary People Change the World picture-book biographies, had its premiere at the Library of Congress and will debut on PBS channels and the PBS Kids digital platforms on Monday. He writes novels for adults, nonfiction, television and comic books, but his children’s books have a special place in Meltzer’s heart. He and his wife have two sons and a daughter, and, he says during a phone interview, “I want my kids to get off their screens, off their phones, so I have to give them something better to look at. We want to give kids better characters to look up to.” So he began the Ordinary People series in 2014 with I Am Abraham Lincoln, I Am Amelia Earhart, I Am Rosa Parks and I Am Albert Einstein. The books, for kids ages 5 to 8, focus not on the well-known accomplishments of historical figures but on their childhoods.

Does Special Education Work for Students With Learning Disabilities? (opens in a new window)

Education Week

November 07, 2019

Test scores for students with learning disabilities improve after they are classified into special education, and the gains are greatest for students who entered special education before they reached middle school, a recently released report finds. The report, “The Effects of Special Education on the Academic Performance of Students With Learning Disabilities,” used data from the New York City schools to track the academic performance of more than 44,000 students with learning disabilities over seven years. Overall, students who began special education services in grades 4 and 5 “were more likely to be placed, and remain, in less restrictive service settings” than students who began later, the researchers found. The findings suggest that support services that help students remain in the general education classrooms may be “particularly effective” for students with learning disabilities.

Kids of Color Often Shut Out of High-Quality State Preschool, Research Says (opens in a new window)

Education Week

November 07, 2019

A study of 26 states and their preschool programs finds that as of roughly two years ago, a mere 1 percent of Latino children and just 4 percent of black children in those states were enrolled in “high-quality” state-backed early-learning opportunities. That’s one main conclusion from a new report from the Education Trust, an education civil rights advocacy group. “Young Learners, Missed Opportunities: Ensuring That Black and Latino Children Have Access to High-Quality State-Funded Preschool” also says that “no state with a substantial percentage of black or Latino children provides high access to a high-quality program for both 3- and 4-year-olds.” In 11 of the 26 states, Latinos accounted for a smaller share of enrollment in these programs than their share of the state population as a whole. The same was true in three of those 26 states for black children. And having access means more than just having enough seats, the Education Trust stresses; it means having affordable, strong options without having to jump through unfair barriers.

Reading Fiction Can Be Fun, But It Isn’t Enough To Boost Achievement (opens in a new window)


November 07, 2019

Teenagers who read a lot of fiction do better on international reading tests, according to a recent study. But that doesn’t mean we can boost achievement just by encouraging kids to read more fiction. Fiction can’t be relied on to build the kind of knowledge students need to do well in school and in life. For that, they need systematic exposure to topics in history, science, and the arts, through a coherent curriculum that begins in the early grades. So whether or not there’s a “fiction effect,” we need to do more than encourage struggling readers to pick up a novel. We need to introduce them to the pleasures of reading by enabling them to listen to stories they can’t yet read easily on their own. We need to use the power of narrative to expand their knowledge of the world. And we need to prepare them to wrest meaning from text that doesn’t provide a storyline.

The MindShift Guide to Understanding Dyslexia (opens in a new window)

KQED Mindshift

November 06, 2019

Millions of Americans struggle to read and it’s often because they have dyslexia. An estimated five to 20 percent of kids are dyslexic but some don’t realize it. These students’ dyslexia go unnoticed and they struggle in school with feelings of inadequacy. Others fight to get basic services required by federal law. There are countless stories of dyslexic students who feel frustrated by their struggles with reading and act out in schools. It’s so important for parents, educators and students to understand the signs of dyslexia and find ways to help. In this guide, you’ll learn about: How to recognize dyslexia in children, including multilingual English Language Learners; teaching techniques for educators; helpful technology aids; how parents can prepare for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting; and how adults with dyslexia managed their education experience.

Research-Based Literacy Instruction Strategies (opens in a new window)

International Literacy Association Daily

November 06, 2019

Every time students pick up a new word or understand the deeper meaning behind a story, their passion for reading grows and prepares them for a future of rich literacy education. The end goal for educators is to instill passion in their students to keep reaching for books. However, getting students to that point can be difficult. No one learner is exactly like another, and every student comes with personal learning preferences and challenges, which pose a major hurdle when it comes to collective classroom learning. Research-based instruction strategies can help educators reach all of their students regardless of the differences among them. Not only do these strategies offer proven evidence for what does and doesn’t work, but they also propose ideas and tactics that educators may have never even thought of implementing in their classroom. We’ve compiled a list of research-based methods for maximizing literacy instruction.

Screen Use Tied to Children’s Brain Development (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

November 06, 2019

A new study using sophisticated brain scans found an association between screen use and the development of young children’s brains, especially in areas related to language development, reinforcing the messages about minimizing screen time for preschoolers. So the message to parents, over and over and over, should not be either screens-are-bad, or you’re-a-bad-parent. The message should be: In the early years, you are so important, and good parenting involves being there, interacting, talking, playing, singing, asking and answering questions, and of course, reading.

The 2019 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

November 06, 2019

Since 1952, we’ve convened a rotating annual panel of three expert judges, who consider every illustrated children’s book published that year in the United States. In 2017, we began partnering with the New York Public Library to administer the honor now called The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award. The judges select the winners purely on the basis of artistic merit. On the 2019 panel were Bruce Handy, a journalist and critic and the author of “Wild Things: The Joy of Reading Children’s Literature as an Adult”; Jessica Cline, supervising librarian in the Picture Collection of the New York Public Library; and Jillian Tamaki, the Book Review’s By the Book illustrator and a past winner of the award. She is the author and illustrator of several graphic novels and the picture book “They Say Blue.”

Curriculum Reviewer EdReports Will Start Evaluating Phonics Programs (opens in a new window)

Education Week

November 04, 2019

EdReports, the nonprofit curriculum reviewer, is shining a spotlight on early reading—the group announced that it will start releasing evaluations of foundational phonics skills programs. The first set of reviews will be released in November. This is a departure for the organization, which historically has only reviewed reading and English-language arts materials that are meant to be used as year-long, comprehensive curricula. Along with ELA programs, EdReports also evaluates K-12 math materials and science materials for grades 6-8. These new reviews will focus on supplemental programs, designed to teach beginning readers how to crack the code that is written language. The list of K-2 materials currently under review teach alphabet knowledge, sound-letter correspondences, decoding written words, and other skills that help readers recognize the words on a page.

Books on wheels: When the library comes to the homeless shelter (opens in a new window)

Christian Science Monitor

November 04, 2019

The bookmobile has a history of bringing the written word to people who can’t get to a library building. Queens has taken that ethos further, parking its mobile library at homeless shelters in the borough. As Denecia and her 9-year-old daughter Elianna browse through the rows of books in this special branch of the Queens Library, both begin to beam. She’s actually kind of “old school” when it comes to books, Denecia says. Ever since she was a kid growing up in Brooklyn, she found the local library a special place, an escape both from digital noise and some of the other tumult in her life. “I want them to be in awe when they go into the library, I want it to be an experience, so even if they go to a smaller branch, they’ll already have libraries on a pedestal in their minds,” Denecia says. Today’s library is particularly small. A combination of factors, including the loss of her job and the costs of finding child care, left Denecia and her two children, including her 6-year-old Elise, without a home over a year ago. Today the Queens mobile library has come to her, parking outside the family shelter where she and 254 other families now live.

Fall Children’s Book Week Will Promote School and Library Participation (opens in a new window)

Publishers Weekly

November 04, 2019

The nation’s largest literacy celebration is about to get bigger. In an effort to attract more educators and boost school participation in Children’s Book Week, the Children’s Book Council and its charitable arm, Every Child a Reader, have developed a brand-new initiative designed to reach teachers, school librarians, and students. From November 4–10, the Fall Children’s Book Week will help extend the centennial anniversary celebration that kicked off this past spring.

A New Alphabet Song (opens in a new window)

National Public Radio

November 04, 2019

Some people lost their minds on social media last week after a video with the ABC song went viral. They really did not like how “LMNOP” was sung, but there’s a good reason behind the slowdown.

To Reverse The Decline In Reading Scores, We Need To Build Knowledge (opens in a new window)


November 01, 2019

It can be dangerous to draw conclusions on the basis of NAEP data. But the consistently bad news about reading scores—which have been stagnant since 1998—is a pretty clear indication we’re doing something wrong. Indeed, the last time NAEP scores were released, in April 2018, the board that administers the tests convened a panel of experts to discuss the lack of progress in reading. The consensus was that we’ve been teaching reading comprehension in a way that doesn’t correspond to scientific evidence. The experts explained that the vast majority of American schools approach reading comprehension as though it were a set of generally applicable skills, like “finding the main idea” and “making inferences”—the skills the tests appear to measure. In fact, cognitive scientists have found that the most important factor in comprehension is how much background knowledge readers have relating to the topic: the more you have, the easier it is to understand a text and retain the information. So if schools want to boost reading comprehension, especially for students who are unlikely to pick up academic knowledge and vocabulary at home, the key is to expand knowledge through a curriculum that includes lots of history, science, and the arts—the very subjects that are being marginalized to make room for more practice in comprehension “skills.” The reason many students score poorly on tests is not that they haven’t learned the skills; it’s that they can’t understand the reading passages in the first place.

National Reading Scores Are Down. What Does It Mean? (opens in a new window)

Education Week

November 01, 2019

The latest scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as the nation’s report card, were just released—and things aren’t looking good for the country’s young readers. Reading performance has dropped significantly among both 4th and 8th graders since the last release two years ago. Just 35 percent of 4th graders are considered proficient by NAEP standards as of this year. That’s down from 37 percent in 2017. And 34 percent of 8th graders scored at the proficient level or higher for this year, down from 36 percent in 2017. But that’s only part of the story. In what should be very worrisome to literacy experts, teachers, and anyone concerned with inequity in education, the lowest performers showed the biggest declines. In fact, the highest-performing students were the only ones to hold steady over the last two years—all other groups did worse.

What To Make of the 2019 Results from the ”Nation’s Report Card” (opens in a new window)

Education Next

November 01, 2019

On October 30, 2019, federal officials released results from the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, in reading and mathematics for grades 4 and 8. Education Next asked a series of education-policy thinkers to share initial reactions to the results and thoughts about their implications. “Shame on us,” “Return to accountability,” “Focus on the low-performing students,” and other reactions to the NAEP results.

Kate DiCamillo’s New Novel May Be Her Finest Yet (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

November 01, 2019

No one in children’s literature illuminates the interplay of heartbreak and hope like the two-time Newbery medalist Kate DiCamillo (“Because of Winn-Dixie”; The Tale of Desperaux”). Her latest novel, “Beverly, Right Here,” the third in a kind of trilogy that began with “Raymie Nightingale” and continued with “Louisiana’s Way Home,” may be her finest yet. [The story] sounds extremely sophisticated for a book aimed at fourth graders and up — kindness, brilliant color and scraps of poetry as salvation — and that’s the key to DiCamillo’s genius. She dares sophistication, trusting her readers to understand. She doesn’t sugarcoat, and she never compromises the truth.

Reading Scores on National Exam Decline in Half the States (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

October 30, 2019

The average eighth-grade reading score on a nationally representative test declined among public school students in more than half of the states, according to data released Wednesday by the National Center for Education Statistics, the research arm of the Education Department. The dismal results were part of the release of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, known as the “nation’s report card.” The test assesses a sample of fourth- and eighth-grade students — more than 290,000 in each subject in 2019 — every other year. Fourth-grade reading scores dropped in 17 states, with New Jersey having the largest decline, 6 points; only one state, Mississippi, improved, the data showed. The losses on the national exam were steepest for students who had been struggling the most, a segment that is the focus of many school reform policies. The Council of the Great City Schools, a coalition of large urban school systems, said it saw a hopeful story in the new data. Over the past two decades, students in cities have moved closer to national achievement averages in both math and reading.

U.S. education achievement slides backwards (opens in a new window)

Hechinger Report

October 30, 2019

The average performance of the nation’s fourth and eighth graders mostly declined in math and reading from 2017 to 2019, following a decade of stagnation in educational progress, according to the results of a test released on Oct. 30, 2019. The one exception was fourth-grade math, with the average score rising by one point between 2017 and 2019. This was not the first drop in national test scores since the biennial test, called the National Assessment of Educational Progress or NAEP, was first administered in the early 1990s. Scores also dropped between 2013 and 2015. But federal statisticians described the current 2019 drop as “substantial,” particularly in eighth-grade reading achievement with 31 states posting lower scores. Demographic shifts were not responsible for the 2019 declines because test score drops were seen among white students. In fact, scores improved for English language learners, a category that includes many Hispanic students.

New, Strong Evidence For Problem-Based Learning (opens in a new window)


October 30, 2019

Two new large-scale reports provide convincing empirical evidence that problem- or inquiry-based learning is effective and that teachers, students and parents prefer it as an instructional method - along with other active, immersive techniques. The basic ingredients of problem-based learning are that students work together to solve real-life problems or answer questions, using available information or data they collect themselves to come up with solutions. Unlike traditional instruction where teachers explain or demonstrate a concept and then students practice or memorize it, teachers serve more as guides or content elaborators in problem-based exercises.

Trick-or-Read! Tricks for Treating Your Classroom to Halloween Literacy Activities (opens in a new window)

International Literacy Association Daily

October 30, 2019

While your students are focused on optimizing their trick-or-treat routes in order to get as much candy as possible, keeping their attention in the classroom can be difficult. But don’t let that spook you—take advantage of their Halloween excitement! This list of candy-coated classroom activities, terrifying tales, and phantasmic prompts are sure to keep things from getting “boo-ring.” A Teachable Teacher’s guide to Halloween books provides descriptions for each book and some accompanying activities so you can make the best pick suited for your students whether they prefer witches or mummies. Scholastic’s list of writing prompts offers 11 “spooktacular” story starters to get your students to express their excitement for Halloween through creative writing. Halloween coincides with the Mexican holiday Día de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. EduHup’s resource roundup features ways to immerse your classroom into the holiday’s rich history and traditions, which will not only broaden your students’ knowledge but also help them develop an appreciation for other cultures.

Proven Strategies for Fostering a Classroom of Enthusiastic Writers (opens in a new window)

International Literacy Association Daily

October 29, 2019

Steve Graham, ILA member and the Warner Professor in the Division of Leadership and Innovation in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University, delivered the Research Address at ILA’s 2019 Conference in New Orleans titled, “The Dos and Don’ts of Writing Instruction.” Graham’s address covered the importance of encouraging students to write for multiple purposes, teaching them the necessary writing and process skills, and providing a stimulating writing space for free expression. Here are effective resources for achieving Graham’s “Dos” of writing instruction and encouraging students to love writing in your classroom.

Jason Reynolds Is on a Mission (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

October 29, 2019

When the writer Jason Reynolds speaks to young people, he rarely starts by talking about books. “They’ve been hearing that all day, all year,” he said. Instead he talks about ramen noodles, Jordan 11s, the rapper DaBaby, “whatever it takes to get them engaged.” Earlier this month, when Reynolds’s “Long Way Down” was selected as Baltimore’s “One Book Baltimore” pick, he came to the city to field questions about the book and sign copies for hundreds of middle school students. They listened to him as he compared hip-hop to poetry — “There’s a direct connection between Tupac and Langston Hughes” — and said that early rappers should’ve been considered “teenage geniuses.” These events — he’s done about 50 this year — are a driving part of his work as a writer: to make black children and teenagers feel seen in real life as well as on the page. “I can talk directly to them in a way that I know they’re going to relate to because I am them,” Reynolds said, “and I still feel like them.”

18 Sources for Microcredentials, Certifications, and More Learning Options (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

October 29, 2019

A school librarian’s education can expand beyond the MLS. This curated a list of 18 programs can help new and established librarians expand their knowledge and sharpen or diversify librarians’ tools and talents. These virtual and in-person opportunities provide certification in a variety of school library-relevant subject areas, from STEAM to media literacy to anti-bias education.

The value of social and emotional learning; Q&A with Tim Shriver (opens in a new window)


October 29, 2019

Tim Shriver, a leading figure for three decades in social and emotional learning, is optimistic about the burgeoning interest in the field. “This is the most opportune time I’ve seen for us as educators to make significant improvements in the quality of life for children and the quality of learning outcomes for all children,” he said in an interview. “At a very basic level, social and emotional learning can be defined as the processes, the skills and the outcomes that come from attending to the emotional development of children and the social development of children. … I started as a teacher counselor in a program called Upward Bound doing afterschool education, moved to study child development and work on the culture of school and the relationships with families. All those things pointed me in the same direction: that the big reason why children aren’t learning isn’t the quality of the textbooks, isn’t the time on task, isn’t the discipline structures in the school necessarily. It’s the fact that so many children do not feel emotionally or socially connected to the content, to the teachers, to the school, to the mission, to their own purpose.”

Learning apps for parents that help kids (opens in a new window)

Harvard Gazette (Cambridge, MA)

October 28, 2019

Nearly 80 parents and their young children took part in a recent study that used learning apps to create foundations for literacy. With interactive features and colorful visuals, the educational programs looked like standard fare but differed in one important way: The lessons are aimed as much at moms and dads as the kids. Developed by FableVision, a Boston media production studio, the apps were designed as part of the Reach Every Reader project at the Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and were based on research on children’s early language and literacy development. The apps aim to elicit interactions in which parents can help their children learn how to sustain back-and-forth conversations, understand the concept of time by talking about things that happened in the past, and develop their vocabulary. All of these practices promote children’s literacy development.

“Talk, Read, Sing”: National child literacy campaign has support in Bethlehem (opens in a new window)

Lehigh University: The Brown and White (Bethlehem, PA)

October 28, 2019

“Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing” is a campaign with support in Bethlehem, that empowers parents to talk, read and sing to their babies with creative messages so children from all socioeconomic backgrounds read at grade-level. According to United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, students who do not read at grade-level by the end of third grade are 13 times more likely to drop out of high school. In many cases, these students come from low-income backgrounds, said Akshara Vivekananthan, the assistant director of Early Childhood and Summer Learning ⁠— a department of United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley. “By just parents starting to talk, read and sing ⁠— something really simple that they can do with their two-month old or within a month they are born ⁠— it starts to build their brain development, which then helps to build a stronger foundation for becoming school-ready later on in life,” said Celeste Hayes, the school readiness coordinator of United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley.

Hena Khan’s More to the Story is a Love Letter to Little Women (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

October 28, 2019

With a bevy of classic tales being updated for a contemporary audience, why did you choose Little Women to work from and what were you excited to do with it? “I thought of the idea several years ago. It stemmed from my intense love for Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and the strong connection I felt to the story and its characters. When I was growing up, I reread my sister’s copy of the book until it was coming apart; I found something about the sisters and the whole March family intensely comforting and familiar. I recognized many of the norms in the book as part of my own Pakistani American culture—things like family expectations, societal rules, and even traditions around dating and marriage. I was excited about the idea of writing a modern Pakistani American version of the book I adored, one that kept the essence of the story but left out my least favorite things.”

What Research Really Says About Teaching Reading (opens in a new window)

International Literacy Association Daily

October 24, 2019

An ILA2019 panel discussion on What Research Really Says About Teaching Reading was led by David Pearson and featured literacy experts Nell K. Duke, Sonia Cabell, and Gwendolyn Thompson McMillon. The group discussed the important role of early oral language where the emphasis is on meaning, the pros and cons of scripted curriculum, texts for beginning readers, and explicit teaching of comprehension strategies using a gradual release of responsibility model. The panel also addressed the concern that the literacy field is usurping content instruction in school districts. “For too long, literacy has been a bully and pushed science and social studies off of the stage,” Pearson said in his final comments. “Literacy should be a buddy, not a bully, for science and social studies.”

How a Colorado public school for students with dyslexia is changing the game for struggling readers — and the state conversation on reading (opens in a new window)

Colorado Sun (Denver, CO)

October 24, 2019

Methodically, teacher Tammy Kennington and her students narrated each step of the decoding process as the children penciled in slashes, accents, circles, or stress marks on all 13 words in the sentence. Three minutes and 20 seconds later, they put it all together: “For her birthday in April, we gave her a blue and white apron.” This is what learning to read looks like for the 122 second- through fifth-graders who attend the Academy for Literacy, Learning & Innovation Excellence in Colorado Springs. Run by School District 49 and commonly referred to as ALLIES, is the state’s only public school for students with dyslexia.

Addressing the reading failure epidemic (opens in a new window)


October 24, 2019

In US schools, there is an epidemic of reading failure. Despite increased funding through Title I and IDEA, according to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress, millions of students lack rudimentary reading skills essential for academic or occupational success. Over the last few decades, research has allowed us to make significant progress in our understanding of the neurobiological and environmental factors that lead to reading failure, as well as interventions that can lead to improved reading outcomes. There is ample research that demonstrates that the factors that ultimately cause reading failure begin well before a child enters kindergarten. This research has shown that in infancy and early childhood the precursors to reading failure can be identified in the form of slow, inconsistent auditory processing. This auditory processing constraint cascades over the early years of life, disrupting the development of distinct phonological representations in the brain, oral language, and ultimately, reading.

Wonder, Words, and Wisdom: Teaching with the Works of Kwame Alexander (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

October 24, 2019

It is the power of the poem that we turn our attention to this week. In particular, we highlight Kwame Alexander’s powerful and prodigious body of work. A poet whose mastery of verse form and rhythm has allowed him to deftly weave action with emotion, figurative language with concise control, he has won the Newbery Award, been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal, been a National Book Award finalist, and won a Coretta Scott King Author Honor Award, among other prestigious honors. And despite these literary accolades, he remains committed to his prime reason for writing: to use words to reach out to the child or adolescent reader. As he explained in an interview for Reading Rockets, “I’ve tried to make my poems and my prose, which are very personal, I’ve tried to make it your business, and I believe that’s so important, especially when we talk about getting young people engaged with reading.”

Why Deeply Diving Into Content Could Be the Key to Reading Comprehension (opens in a new window)

KQED Mindshift

October 23, 2019

Education journalist Natalie Wexler has an argument to make on why kids often don’t comprehend what they read. “There are really two different aspects to reading,” said Wexler on KQED’s Forum program. “One is decoding, just matching sounds to letters. That really is a set of skills that you need to be taught directly. But reading comprehension skills are different.” Wexler contends that most elementary schools teach reading comprehension as free-floating skills, detached from the content a child is reading. The teacher is focused on teaching students how to make inferences or find the main idea, regardless of the topic. For her book, “The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System–and How to Fix It,” Wexler dove deeply into the cognitive science of reading. She found that cognitive scientists have agreed for decades that the most important element of reading comprehension is knowledge and vocabulary about the topic.

Many Kids Don’t Like To Talk in Class. Here Are New Ways To Engage Them. (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

October 23, 2019

In classrooms, labs, and libraries where student discussion is encouraged, many may be talking—but not all may be participating. Students speak less for a multitude of reasons. They may be shy, introverted, or struggling to master a new language, for instance. All of those who are silent in a discussion-based classroom lose valuable opportunities to grow—and the class misses out on their insights. A range of strategies can be used to include students in the conversation, from highlighting the contributions and competence of quieter students to using technology to enable participation. A stimulating subject often spurs high-quality conversation. For Tracey Wong, a school library media specialist for Yonkers (NY) Public Schools, that means starting with an irresistible project. Students in Wong’s elementary school classes created Braille versions of classic children’s titles, which Wong then brought to a school for blind students in the Bronx. Wong taught her students Braille and told one class about the concepts others had come up with. There was high buy-in from the students, Wong says. They were excited that the project, “Build a Better Book,” had a positive, real-world impact. It provided “a chance for children [who] normally don’t lead to begin to lead,” she says.

What Is Schema? How Do We Help Students Build It? (opens in a new window)

Education Week

October 22, 2019

Have you ever been frustrated by how quickly students seem to forget what you’ve taught them? Or by their struggles to use what they’ve learned in one context in a new, but related context? When we intentionally help students build schema, we can solve both problems. Schema is a mental structure to help us understand how things work. It has to do with how we organize knowledge. As we take in new information, we connect it to other things we know, believe, or have experienced. And those connections form a sort of structure in the brain. If a hallmark of expertise is organized thinking, how do we help students to see the structure of the subject we are teaching? Enter the noble index card. This low-tech tool has the power to revolutionize your teaching practice. Post-it notes work, too. They allow students to physically build and manipulate schema as they learn. Let me show you.

The Classroom Connectivity Gap Is Closed. How Did That Happen? (opens in a new window)


October 22, 2019

EducationSuperHighway has only been around since 2012, but this morning they issued a report with a simple message: the classroom connectivity gap has been closed. That’s not entirely a surprise; last year’s annual report from the non-profit reported that 98% of US schools had high-speed internet access. This year the number is squeaking past 99%, with the vast majority also meeting the FCC 1 Mbps per student standard. Along the way, EducationSuperHighway managed to involve around 80 governors from all 50 states, recast some federal regulations, and approach an unheard-of milestone–become a non-profit organization that will close up shop because it did what it set out to do. How did they manage all that? I talked to founder Evan Marwell about the secrets of his success.

“The People Who Helped Me the Most Were the Librarians” — Rep. Elijah Cummings (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

October 22, 2019

Congressman Elijah Cummings, in this brief clip, recalls the time he spent as a child at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore. “The people who helped me the most were the librarians,” Cummings told Steve Kroft in a 60 Minutes interview broadcast in January of this year, adding that the public library was the only integrated institution in his neighborhood. Speaking about the librarians, whom he credited with staying past their regular working hours to help him with his schoolwork, enabling him to get out of special ed, the longtime Baltimore congressman and chair of the House Oversight Committee got emotional. “There are a lot of good people who really care,” he said.

How Raina Telgemeier Faces Her Fear (opens in a new window)

The New York Times

October 22, 2019

Telgemeier, 42, has built a fan base among young readers with her graphic novels and memoirs, including “Sisters,” a coming-of-age story about a fraught sibling relationship and an excruciating family road trip, and “Smile,” which chronicles her long and painful dental reconstruction following an accident that smashed her front teeth. “Guts,” which Scholastic released in September, with a print run of one million copies, is her most personal book yet. It tells the story of how, as a child, she developed an intense fear of getting sick and vomiting. It’s a phobia that she still grapples with. “Illustrating this experience isn’t easy,” she said. “I really have to put myself back into the feeling and my own fear.”

Dyslexia: What every parent should know (opens in a new window)

Roanoke Times (Roanoke, VA)

October 21, 2019

True to stereotype, dyslexics can reverse letters, like “b” and “d.” However, dyslexia is more complex than simply reading “backwards.” Dyslexia, a phonological processing disorder, is not a vision problem. Dyslexia is neurobiological in origin, based physically in the brain. Dyslexia is not caused by poverty or a lack of intelligence. Reading accurately with appropriate fluency, learning non-phonetically spelled words, like “was,” and even memorizing facts and retrieving specific words remain challenging for dyslexic students, despite having adequate intelligence and effective classroom instruction. Dyslexics often seem smart and capable, which often makes the disability “unexpected.” Parents are often the first to spot a reading problem. Dyslexia isn’t something that a child will outgrow, and no amount of “just reading more at home” will correct the problem. Rather, dyslexic students benefit from early identification in 1st and 2nd grades in order to receive evidence-based, explicitly taught, systematic phonics instruction delivered using specialized Orton-Gillingham methodologies.

How Can I Best Help My Child Who Has a Reading Disability? (opens in a new window)


October 21, 2019

Almost half of children with an individualized education program (IEP) have learning disabilities, and approximately 5 percent of school-aged children have a reading disorder. If your child is experiencing difficulty learning to read, early intervention that is tailored to their specific weaknesses can be extremely helpful. Talking to your child’s teacher is a great first step for addressing reading challenges, and asking about the types of errors your child is making, as well as the assessments that have been given to show your child’s performance compared to others their age, are excellent questions. Next, inquire about the programs and resources offered at your child’s school to help strengthen their weaknesses.

A K-12 Pathway to Bilingualism and Biliteracy in Omaha Public Schools (opens in a new window)

New America Foundation

October 21, 2019

Elizabeth Leslie López is a second-year dual language teacher at RM Marrs Magnet Middle School in Omaha, Nebraska—the same school she attended when she arrived in the city from Michoacán, Mexico as a sixth grader in 2006. When López arrived at Marrs, she didn’t understand English. She was helped by a bilingual liaison, who served as a bridge between her family and the school, and who encouraged her and other students to be “la mejor versión de ellos mismos” (the best version of themselves), said López. She went on to graduate from the dual language program in Omaha South High Magnet School, where she became a bilingual liaison herself in the summer of 2017. Bilingual liaisons provide interpretation and translation, and they assist in initial English learner (EL) intake processes to ensure that families receive support in their home language. López’s path from student to bilingual liaison and dual language teacher spotlights the success of the first dual language immersion (DLI) program in the state of Nebraska. While many school districts across the country have implemented dual language programs, Omaha Public Schools (OPS) stands out for having a program that serves ELs from kindergarten through high school.

Twice-Exceptional Students Find An Intellectual Oasis In Iowa (opens in a new window)

KQED Mindshift

October 18, 2019

Educators refer to teens like Alex as “twice exceptional.” “I have a large degree of skill in almost every subject of learning,” says Alex, who is 16. “But I also have autistic spectrum disorder.” For Alex, this dual identity has meant both opportunity and frustration. He has skipped two grades so far, and began taking college math courses last year, when he was still 15. But when he was younger, Alex’s underdeveloped social skills caused him a lot of grief. “I was constantly getting into fights and normally losing them,” he says. At the end of each school year, Alex didn’t know what to do. “I was always that one kid who was unhappy whenever summer vacation came around,” he says. That changed when Alex’s parents learned about the the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa’s College of Education. Belin-Blank’s mission is to identify and nurture young people who excel at math and science and the arts. And they have made a point of reaching out to, and accommodating, twice-exceptional kids.

Professional Development for Caregivers — at the Library (opens in a new window)

School Library Journal

October 18, 2019

When New York Public Library (NYPL) launched Nanny-Meetups, informal programs offering childcare providers early literacy information and ideas for playful enrichment, it forged a connection with a group that uses libraries every day. “I see more caregivers using the songs and fingerplays I’ve taught them, and increased storytime participation,” says Grace Zell, children’s librarian at NYPL’s 53rd Street Library. “I hope that this sort of behavior extends outside the library.” More libraries are offering initiatives to help a range of providers build early literacy teaching skills. That’s a boon for many of the 12.6 million children under six in childcare, where they spend an average of 33 hours weekly. By 2021, there will be an estimated 856,238 U.S. day care operators, though that number is only part of the story. Children can be found in myriad childcare settings, which makes library outreach complex—and rewarding.

The secret to a successful Head Start program (opens in a new window)

Hechinger Report

October 18, 2019

Teachers with bachelor’s degrees. Diversity. Hands-on learning. Bilingual classrooms. These are some of the qualities parents dream about when looking for preschool programs. They’re also a few of the ingredients that can be found in the nation’s best Head Start centers, according to a recently released report. For years, researchers and academics have debated the success of federally-funded Head Start programs, with the only real consensus being that quality varies dramatically across centers. Here are some of those factors that she says contribute to the “secret sauce” of a successful program.

Opinion: Reading curriculums must change with times (opens in a new window)

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, CT)

October 18, 2019

Are we teaching reading the wrong way? That is the daunting and uncomfortable question educators across the county are wrestling with in the light of renewed attention to the science of what supports young readers. There is a lot of evidence that something is amiss. Despite decades of intervention, reading national reading rates are flat. Closer to home, reading scores fell in Greenwich and Stamford last year. This lack of reading progress — particularly for the most vulnerable — has led to the rise of a national movement of frustrated parents of dyslexic students. In the past three years, these parents have stormed state capitals across the country demanding change to how students in need of reading interventions are treated. At the heart of this dilemma is public education’s 20-year love affair with “balanced literacy.” Balanced Literacy sounds great, but there is growing evidence that it does not work for a lot of kids. This charge has been brought most forcefully by Emily Hanford in three school-foundation shattering podcast documentaries over the past year.

Inside The Dyslexic Mind: Parents And Educators On Need For More Understanding, Support (opens in a new window)

KWMU Public Radio (St. Louis, MO)

October 17, 2019

It’s estimated that as many as 1 in 5 people around the world have dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects how one’s brain processes information about sounds and words. In the St. Louis region, some parents are pushing for more school resources and attention to dyslexia, and a Webster University seminar on the subject last week drew a sold-out crowd. St. Louis on the Air, host Sarah Fenske talked with Webster’s Paula Witkowski, a professor of literacy and speech-language pathologist in the School of Education, as well as local parents Sarah Bartley and Michelle Yepez, who each have a child with dyslexia. They discussed the importance of early intervention and how people with dyslexia can thrive. The conversation also included contributions from listeners who called in to the show to share their experiences.

Read to kids in Spanish; it’ll help their English (opens in a new window)


October 16, 2019

A new study has found that children who had strong early reading skills in their native Spanish language when they entered kindergarten experienced greater growth in their ability to read English from kindergarten through fourth grade. Importantly, when the researchers factored in how well the students spoke English, it turned out that native language reading skills mattered more—even at kindergarten entry—to the students’ growth across time. Plainly stated: children who had stronger Spanish reading skills upon entering kindergarten did better across time, even than their Spanish-speaking peers who were more fluent in speaking English but less proficient in reading Spanish.