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10 Reasons for Inclusive Schools

10 Reasons for Inclusive Schools

Inclusion begins with the belief that all children should have equal access to education and should learn alongside their same-age peers. Discover all 10 reasons that inclusive schools are good for children and the wider community.

10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Class Socially Inclusive

10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Class Socially Inclusive

The social curriculum conveys the values, belief systems, and expectations of behavior in school. It is just as important as the academic curriculum, but is often “hidden” for children with learning challenges. Here you’ll find some effective strategies to intentionally facilitate social inclusion in your classroom and school-wide.

3 Big Misconceptions About Inclusion

3 Big Misconceptions About Inclusion

Research shows that inclusion is best for students with and without disabilities, and yet there are still many misconceptions about what inclusion in the classroom really means. Here are the top three misconceptions, from inclusion expert Nicole Eredics.

5 Signs That a Classroom Is Inclusive

5 Signs That a Classroom Is Inclusive

Find out what to look for in a classroom that supports inclusion. Features include how the students are grouped, social skills programs, and use of multi-modal learning aids and assistive technology.

Is It Inclusion?

Is It Inclusion?

Confused about inclusion and what a student’s experience is like in an inclusive classroom? Use this handy chart to help you understand what inclusion is and isn’t!

Inclusion Beyond the Classroom

Inclusion Beyond the Classroom

Discover 10 ways that schools can create a culture of inclusion for school activities that take place outside of the regular curriculum, including science fairs, school plays, choir, band, sports, and more.

Make the Classroom Sensory-Friendly Today

Make the Classroom Sensory-Friendly Today

Learn simple ways you can make your classroom sensory-friendly to help students with sensory issues feel more comfortable and ready to focus on learning and socializing. Ideas include ways to adapt the classroom space, learning materials, lighting, noises, and smells.

multicultural group of elementary kids holding hands in school

Q&A with Roger Ideishi on Inclusion

Occupational therapist Roger Ideishi shares his strategies for providing supportive environments in the general education classroom for children with autism. You’ll also learn about Ideishi’s innovative ideas for collaborating with museums, performing arts spaces, and other cultural institutions to make them more accessible and welcoming for children with diverse sensory and cognitive abilities.
