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elementary teacher in lively conversation with students who have hands raised

Using Peer Tutoring to Facilitate Access

Peer tutoring links high achieving students with lower achieving students or those with comparable achievement for structured learning. It promotes academic gains as well as social enhancement. This brief discusses three research-supported peer tutoring strategies: Cross-Age Tutoring; Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS); and Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (RPT).
mother and daughter reading books together with stuffed animals

Using Poetry to Teach Reading

Explore how to use children’s poetry to encourage kids to read. You might start with poems from celebrated poets like Jack Prelutsky, Shel Silverstein, Judith Viorst, and Eloise Greenfield.

Elementary student in class thinking pensively about the lesson

Using Timelines to Enhance Comprehension

Educators may find timelines a useful strategy for a variety of educational purposes. They can be used to record events from a story or a history lesson in a sequential format. They can help students keep events in chronological order as they write summaries.
What Are Decodable Books and Why Are They Important?

What Are Decodable Books and Why Are They Important?

Decodable books play an important role in phonics instruction and building confidence in young readers. Learn more about decodable books, how they differ from predictable texts, and how to select high-quality texts that align with the scope and sequence of your phonics program.

Young girl in striped short reading a book next to a cat

What Are the Skills for Reading?

Reading ability is determined by many factors, and requires the development of certain skills through early reading instruction to attain initial success and build on it.

elementary teacher working with a small group of students in class

What Is Differentiated Instruction?

Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.

Black college student listening attentively in class

What Education Schools Aren’t Teaching about Reading and What Elementary Teachers Aren’t Learning

When some children are learning to read, they catch on so quickly that it appears effortless. It does not seem to matter what reading curriculum or teachers they encounter, for they arrive at school already possessing the important foundational skills. For other children, though, the path to literacy is far more difficult and by no means assured. It matters very much what curriculum their schools use and who their first teachers are.
Elementary student in class thinking pensively about the lesson

What Is Effective Comprehension Instruction?

Effective comprehension instruction is instruction that helps students to become independent, strategic, and metacognitive readers who are able to develop, control, and use a variety of comprehension strategies to ensure that they understand what they read. To achieve this goal, comprehension instruction must begin as soon as students begin to read and it must: be explicit, intensive, and persistent; help students to become aware of text organization; and motivate students to read widely.

elementary teacher in lively conversation with students who have hands raised

What Is Guided Oral Reading?

Guided oral reading is an instructional strategy that can help students improve a variety of reading skills, including fluency. This article explains how to implement it in your classroom.

What Science Offers Teachers of Reading

What Science Offers Teachers of Reading

Review well-established scientific findings about reading and their practical implications, for children with and without reading disabilities. In addition, consider some broader ways that science may be useful to educators and get suggestions for individual teachers interested in becoming more familiar with scientific research on reading.

Black college student listening attentively in class

What Is Scientifically Based Research? A Guide For Teachers

Teachers can strengthen instruction and protect their students’ valuable time in school by scientifically evaluating claims about teaching methods and recognizing quality research when they see it. This article provides a brief introduction to understanding and using scientifically based research.
