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elementary teacher working one-on-one with female student

Who Are the Children Who Have Reading Difficulties?

Knowing which children are more likely to be at risk for reading problems allows for early intervention to prevent the majority of these problems from developing. Learn what group and individual factors make certain children at risk.
Elementary boy in yellow plaid shirt taking a test

Who Can Diagnose LD and/or ADHD

Many professionals are involved in the diagnosis of LD: psychologists, educational specialists, and other professionals who work in specialized fields such as speech and language. This article identifies licensure requirements and who can diagnose LD and/or ADHD.

Latina mother with two elementary aged kids going to school

Who’s Who in Your Child’s School

There are many people at your child’s school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially and emotionally, and navigate the school environment. Here’s a selected list of who’s who at your school: the teaching and administrative staff as well as organizations at the district level. You might want to keep this list handy all year long.

multicultural group of elementary kids holding hands in school

Q&A with Roger Ideishi on Inclusion

Occupational therapist Roger Ideishi shares his strategies for providing supportive environments in the general education classroom for children with autism. You’ll also learn about Ideishi’s innovative ideas for collaborating with museums, performing arts spaces, and other cultural institutions to make them more accessible and welcoming for children with diverse sensory and cognitive abilities.

word wall in first grade classroom filled with vocabulary words

Word Analysis to Expand Vocabulary Development

When students engage in “word analysis” or “word study,” they break words down into their smallest units of meaning — morphemes. Discover effective strategies for classroom word study, including the use of online tools, captioning, and embedded supports to differentiate instruction.

Word Study Instruction in the K-2 Classroom

Word Study Instruction in the K-2 Classroom

Word study is an approach to spelling instruction that moves away from a focus on memorization. The approach reflects what researchers have discovered about the alphabetic, pattern, and meaning layers of English orthography. This article describes nine tips for implementing a word study program in your classroom.

Elementary kids holding up word study examples in class

Word Study: Learning Word Patterns

“Word study” is an alternative to traditional spelling instruction. It is based on learning word patterns rather than memorizing unconnected words. This article describes the word study approach.

Work Systems in the School Setting

Work Systems in the School Setting

A work system is an organizational system that gives students with ASD information about what is expected when they come to the classroom. Find out how to implement a work system in your classroom.

young red-headed boy outside writing in a notebook

Writing Assessment

An introduction to 6 + 1 Trait® Writing, customized rubrics, student self-assessment, and peer editing.

Elementary aged girl looking at laptop with her father

Writing IEP Goals

Learn how to write Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, use action words, realistic, and time-limited) and based on research-based educational practice.
Do You See What I Mean? Visual Literacy Supports for Students with Disabilities

Do You See What I Mean? Visual Literacy Supports for Students with Disabilities

Many learners with disabilities are visual learners and are best able to understand and remember content when they can see it represented in some way; in other words, they need to “see what we mean.” Three visual supports helpful for teaching and supporting literacy development are described here: picture books, graphic notes, and story kits.

Elementary boy in yellow plaid shirt taking a test

Your Child’s Evaluation

Evaluation is used to identify the children who are eligible for special education and the type of help they need. Find out four steps in the evaluation process, from analyzing known information to developing a program.
Your Home as a Learning Experience

Your Home as a Learning Experience

For young children, their home is the best place to begin learning about math, science, and social studies, build early reading and writing skills, and to stretch their creativity. Get practical tips on how to look at your home through the lens of “learning through experiences.” You’ll also find ways to connect learning from school-to-home and home-to-school.

Mother and daughter painting an environmental mural together

Your School-Age Child

This article from the National PTA features ideas on how to help your school age children improve their reading skills and tips on how to develop pre-reading skills in younger children.
preschooler with picture book

Yum: A Word in My Soup

Dr. Kerry Hempenstall, now a Senior Lecturer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Victoria, Australia, recalls that magic time when he first learned how to read.