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Black college student listening attentively in class

What Is Scientifically Based Research? A Guide For Teachers

Teachers can strengthen instruction and protect their students’ valuable time in school by scientifically evaluating claims about teaching methods and recognizing quality research when they see it. This article provides a brief introduction to understanding and using scientifically based research.

elementary teacher in lively conversation with students who have hands raised

What Should Be Emphasized at Each Stage of Reading Development?

Familiarity with the five essential components (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) in core, comprehensive reading programs is necessary for all teachers of reading. Although all components are needed at all levels, different skills and activities are emphasized at different stages of reading development.

3 elementary students writing on flip chart in social studies unit

What Teachers Need to Know About the “New” Nonfiction

Children’s nonfiction picture books is a genre that is exploding in both quality and quantity. Recent nonfiction books reveal an emphasis on the visual, an emphasis on accuracy, and an engaging writing style. Suggestions are included for choosing and using nonfiction picture books in the classroom.

3 elementary students writing on flip chart in social studies unit

What the Research Says About Literature-Based Teaching and Science

Inquiry-based, discovery-focused science instruction is widely viewed as best practice today. Students learn science best when it is integrated with other areas of the curriculum such as reading, language arts, and mathematics. This includes reading textbooks, newspapers, magazines, online information, and children’s and young adult literature, both fiction and nonfiction.
Elementary teacher giving a student a high-five for encouragement

What Is This Thing Called RTI?

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a complex subject and states and districts have a lot of discretion with the implementation of this three-step, research-based approach to intervention and placement. Learn about some of the common misconceptions of the RTI process and read about additional RTI web sources.
What Works in Comprehension Instruction

What Works in Comprehension Instruction

The National Reading Panel identified three predominant elements to support the development of reading comprehension skills: vocabulary instruction, active reading, and teacher preparation to deliver strategy instruction.

Young girl pointing at text as she reads aloud

What Works in Fluency Instruction

Fluency, reading in a fast and fluid manner, is what often distinguishes to observers the reading performance of a good reader from a poor reader. Find out what the research says about the two most common instructional methods for developing fluency: guided oral reading and independent silent reading.

Young boy looking at camera with his chalk drawing in the background

What to Do If You Suspect Your Child Has a Learning Disability

If you think your child might have a learning disability, this article can help. With early intervention, children with learning disabilities can learn strategies to achieve as well as other children do. Organizing information about your child will help you to monitor progress. This information will be valuable in planning for your child.

When to Call Your Child's Teacher

When to Call Your Child’s Teacher

Some parents are reluctant to contact their child’s teacher. Don’t be! A quick conversation or email exchange can go a long way toward resolving issues. Here are three situations where parent contact is a good idea.

illustration of young girl struggling with reading and writing

When Good Kids Get Bad Grades

Tutoring offers kids the special one-on-one attention that busy teachers often can’t provide. From simplehomework help to intensive work on basic skills, tutoring can offer just the boost your childneeds to succeed.

mother and daughter reading books together with stuffed animals

When Kids Hate to Read

Children who aren’t motivated to read can benefit from support at home. Learn what parents can do to make reading a more enjoyable experience for struggling readers in this interview with Dr. Marie Carbo.
When Writing Is Hard

When Writing Is Hard

For some kids, every step of the writing process is difficult — including spelling, handwriting and getting organized ideas onto paper. Learn more about dysgraphia and how you can support your child’s writing.

illustration of young girl struggling with reading and writing

Why Are So Many Children Having Difficulties?

A child’s background and prior experiences can contribute to increased risk of reading problems. However, the are four factors that hinder reading development regardless of a child’s background. Find out what they are in this brief overview.

Elementary student in class thinking pensively about the lesson

Why Students Think They Understand When They Don’t

Students often think they understand a body of material and, believing that they know it, stop trying to learn more. But come test time, it turns out they really don’t know the material very well at all. Can cognitive science tell us anything about why students are commonly mistaken about what they know and don’t know? Are there any strategies teachers can use to help students better estimate what they know?
