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Phyllis Hunter

Phyllis C. Hunter

Phyllis C. Hunter is an internationally known literacy expert who has served as an advisor to the President of the United States and the Secretary of Education. She says that “reading is the new civil right.”

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Mysteries, historical fiction, Wild West yarns, the life and times of a girl named Alice, scary tales, memoir — prolific writer Phyllis Reynolds Naylor never writes the same type of book twice in a row. That’s how she keeps the work fresh for herself and her readers. After publishing more than 135 books — including the Newbery winner Shiloh and the best-selling Alice series — she truly lives and breathes the life of a writer.

Naylor says that she has to live every character: “It’s like an actor on stage putting on different hats and becoming one character after another.” You can feel that in her books; and the stacks of fan mail she receives reveal how strongly her readers identify with characters like Alice, Marty, the Malloy girls, the Hatford boys, and Bernie Magruder.
