Even though Dudley Ellington has trouble focusing on school work, his teacher is the very patient Mrs. McCaw. But the talented Mrs. McCaw cannot draw a face in profile — that is until Dudley patiently shows her (and his class) how to do so. Lighthearted, cartoon-like illustrations are used to enhance the straightforward text.
Ms. McCaw Learns to Draw

Marvin’s excitement about first grade quickly dwindles when his name doesn’t appear on the list and the class is short one desk. Add to that the fact that he struggles to read, well, it’s clear that he’s just “one too many.” Things improve when Marvin’s parents find out what is going on and his father shares his difficulty learning to read.
Marvin One Too Many

Try as she might, second grader Carolyn struggles with cursive. A wise teacher, however, helps the child recognize that her imagination and creative writing are her strengths, just like some other famous writers. Real problems and frustrations are presented with a light touch in this engaging book. Part of The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses series.
Stacey Coolidge’s Fancy-Smancy Cursive Handwriting

David’s teacher asks for a parent conference when David’s behavior distracts the rest of the class. David, however, comes up with his own wiggle fidget cures that he shares at the meeting, combining creativity and practicality that just may help others with the wiggle fidgets. Part of The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses series.
Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have the Wiggle Fidgets

Colorful, cartoon-like illustrations clearly depict signs with mealtime meaning. From “eat” to “all done” (with more in between), the simple signs can easily be shared with young children to aid communication or just for a different way of sharing.
Wow! Mealtime

Ancona’s thoughtful color photographs capture the spirit, movement, and the form of basic finger spelling used by the deaf (and by hearing children) as a group of kids go on an adventure to the zoo.
Handtalk Zoo

As a girl’s sight is slipping away, she realizes that color and images continue to live in her imagination. Her travels by subway show highly detailed patterns all around her and her artistic vision is heightened as her senses begin blending together. Children will want to slow down to see the “sound of color.”
The Sound of Colors

Chibi is a young boy who is excluded on the playground because he is different — he has autism. His peers only discover their admiration for him after a wise, nurturing teacher encourages his unique talent in connecting with animals. Subtle illustrations evoke Japan’s countryside and traditional art.
Crow Boy

Wilma Rudolph not only overcame polio, she went on to become the first woman to win three Olympic gold medals in Rome in 1960. Semiabstract paintings convey her power and personality in this accessible picture book biography.
Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Woman

Judge is desperate. His mother has threatened to send him to a different school next year. To prove he can succeed at his current school, Judge needs to bring up his grades. After weeks of hard work — all while dealing with his sometimes difficult brother and his dyslexia — Judge’s hopes depend on winning a science competition. Soon it all comes down to the egg drop.
Egg-Drop Blues

Joey is out of control. He knows it, his mom knows it, and the school knows it. Nothing seems to remedy his behavior until Joey runs away from a class field trip, hurts a classmate, and is sent to a special education program. There, his medications are regulated and Joey achieves a level of control.
Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

What Susan does everyday is revealed in a simple, rhyming text and light-lined, colored pencil illustrations. What Susan does and how she behaves is what all children do but she does it using a wheelchair, revealed — without sentimentality — in the final spread.
Susan Laughs

Learning how to read isn’t easy for Trisha. But with the help and support of a wise new teacher, she begins to blossom. Told with warmth and sensitivity, and illustrated in Polacco’s signature style, the story of a girl overcoming dyslexia is based on the author’s own experience.
Thank You, Mr. Falker

Solomon has never had an easy time in school because of his dyslexia. But then, in a desolate part of an old graveyard, he finds himself battling the effects of an ancient curse put on the land by a witch many years before. With the help of a professor, his teacher, and a young girl, they unravel the mystery and break the curse forever.
Whispers in the Graveyard

I’m normal because I am a normal kid — going to school, being happy, getting homework, having a family. I’m not normal because I’m dyslexic… Thus begins the autobiography of an eleven-year-old boy who describes how he created a board game based on the popular Harry Potter series and entered it into his school’s yearly Invention Convention, where it became an instant hit.
My Year With Harry Potter: How I Discovered My Own Magical World

It’s parent-teacher conference time and Hank is in a panic! He’s terrified that his teacher is going to tell his parents that he’ll have to repeat the fourth grade. If only Hank could get his parents out of town. Wait! Hank just might have a plan! (See more books from the Hank Zipzer series (opens in a new window))
Help! Somebody Get Me Out of Fourth Grade (Hank Zipzer)

It’s time for the “best field trip of the year” — a night on an old-fashioned three-mast sailing ship in New York Harbor. Then Hank accidentally sets the boat adrift! The best field trip of the year is becoming the worst night of Hank’s life — how’s he going to get out of this one? (See more books from the Hank Zipzer series (opens in a new window))
The Night I Flunked My Field Trip (Hank Zipzer)

Brian was not excited to enter sixth-grade. He knew that it would be just as frustrating as every other school year. People tease him when he reads aloud in class or writes on the blackboard. But Brian soon learns that this year will be different! This year his teacher notices that Brian is dyslexic. He isn’t stupid or lazy; he just needs to learn a little differently.
My Name is Brain Brian

Gary just can’t seem to fit in. He doesn’t have any friends, his school work is always sloppy, and his teachers endlessly criticize him. But Gary has a way to escape — he spaces out. Then one day Gary accidentally hurts someone, and now he’s being sent to a new school for kids with different learning styles. Will Gary finally be able to catch up and fit in, or will he remain the Spaceman forever?

Having ADD causes Ben to get into more trouble than he would like, yet when Trout, another child with ADD enters his world, greater problems arise as Trout’s actions cause Ben to get a bad reputation for being a problem child at school.
Trout and Me

It’s report card day-the most dreaded day in Hank’s school year. And when Hank gets his grades, they’re his worst nightmare come true: a D in spelling, a D in reading, a D in math. After school, Hank and his friends go to his mom’s deli. His mom is on the prowl-she knows a report card day when she sees one. Hank tries to stall her, but she’s going for his backpack. He’s cornered. Hank hands the report card off to his friend Frankie, who gives it to his friend Ashley, who gives it to Robert, who puts it into a meat grinder! Hank watches as his Ds are ground into a big salami, and this particular salami is being made for a very important client. How will Hank get out of this one? (See more books from the Hank Zipzer series (opens in a new window))
I Got a D in Salami (Hank Zipzer)

On the first day of fourth grade, Hank’s teacher assigns a five-paragraph essay, “What I did on my summer vacation,” and he knows he’s in trouble. It has always been difficult for him to read, write, and spell so he decides to “build” his assignment instead — to “bring Niagara Falls into the classroom, water and all.” This is the first book in the Hank Zipzer series. (opens in a new window)