A chill is in the air and Bear knows it is time for her winter nap. But first, she must tell Snail. And Snail must tell Skunk. And Skunk must tell Turtle. Each animal who tries to put off going to sleep just a little longer sees, smells, hears, or tastes the signs of the impending season. Finally, Ladybug rushes off to tell Bear — already asleep in her cave — the exciting news. A warm-hearted story about animals of the forest settling down for their winter nap. But, like children who must go to bed for the night, they each find a way to put it off just a little bit longer.
Time to Sleep

Learn about various nocturnal animals and their nighttime activities, including the opossum, brown bat, and tree frog.
Where Are the Night Animals?

The story of a little dormouse and his frantic search for a safe place to hibernate.
A Bed for Winter

This book provides a good introduction to basic science concepts like photosynthesis, gravity, and the sun’s effect on weather in an easy-to-understand format. Science vocabulary such as “nuclear fusion,” “electromagnetic energy,” “photosphere,” are explained in both text and illustrations. The book includes 10 comic-strip-style panels of “Did You Know?” interesting facts.
Why Do Elephants Need the Sun?

Birds are everywhere — even the most urban neighborhood is a good place to look for birds and study their habits. This journal includes questions to prompt thinking and provides pages to write down observations, paste in photos, or add drawings. Also in the series: Nature Log Kids: A Kid’s Journal to Record Their Nature Experiences.
Bird Log Kids

A young girl explores Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, recording her thoughts, scientific facts, questions, and experiences in a nature journal decorated by her paintings of the native plants and animals. This book is a great way to introduce kids to scientific journals and the importance of close observation.
Same Same

Read and find out about how to track animals by finding footprints and other clues. Does a cat use her claws when she walks? How does a rabbit run? What does a skunk smell like? Find out the answers in Big Tracks, Little Tracks, a perfect first book for children with a budding interest in animals and nature.
Big Tracks, Little Tracks

A Siberian tiger cub named T.J., born at the Denver Zoo, is orphaned when he is only a few weeks old. The veterinary staff raises him, feeding him by hand until he is able to eat on his own and return to the tiger exhibit. The story is accompanied by four different types of graphs (picture, circle, bar, and line) that display information about the numbers and types of tigers in the wild, how much T.J. is eating, and his weight compared with other tigers. This is a good introduction to how charts and graphs are used in the real world.
Tiger Math: Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger

Whether in the sky, on the land, or in the sea, animals live in all sorts of fascinating environments. Discover six of the most intriguing habitats, and have fun pinpointing the camouflaged critters hiding within them in this interactive and informative picture book full of furry, feathery, and ferocious creatures.
I See a Kookaburra! Discovering Animal Habitats Around the World

Every year, George and the man with the yellow hat attend a pancake breakfast to benefit the children’s hospital. Always curious, George finds his way to the pancake table and helps out. Pouring batter and flipping the pancakes over looks like fun! George decides to make some pancakes of his own, and after making and serving some of the most delicious pancakes the crowd has ever seen, George gets into even more monkey mischief.
Curious George Makes Pancakes

If you give a pig a pancake, she’ll want some syrup to go with it. You’ll give her some of your favorite maple syrup, and she’ll probably get all sticky, so she’ll want to take a bath. She’ll ask you for some bubbles. When you give her the bubbles … Fans of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie will love this perfect addition to the series!
If You Give a Pig a Pancake

Meet an exploding ant, the flamboyant cuttlefish, and the star-nosed mole in this lighthearted look at animals. The real but unusual creatures are illustrated with humor while providing a glimpse at their distinguishing features. The author’s first volume, The World’s Most Pointless Wonderful Animals (opens in a new window), is equally engaging.
The World’s Most Ridiculous Animals

Dramatic photographs combine with facts to amaze and delight with their “acrobatic moves, their ability to dodge enemies deftly, [and] their skill at disappearing using camouflage.” Together with a similarly formatted companion book, Superpowers of Nature: Wild Wonders of the World (opens in a new window), readers will surely want to protect nature’s heroes.
Superheroes of Nature: Incredible Skills to Survive and Thrive

Even though her mother taught her offspring to avoid dangers of the sea, the young otter encounters all of them. Follow Odder’s experiences in this moving novel in verse, which is loosely based on rehabilitated otters in the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The story, from the 2013 Newbery Medalist, is sure to engage as well as educate. Glossary and additional information are appended.

Two best friends, Peter and Tommy, spend their summer finishing their Discovery Journal, a chronicle of all the wildlife they’ve come across in their native Florida. Can Peter help the manatee they discover in a nearby canal as well as help take care of his grandfather like he promised? The poignant story is both fast-paced and believable, with likeable and relatable characters.
Manatee Summer

Lush illustrations in a nearly wordless graphic novel narrate a child’s vacation with Lao Lao, her much-loved grandmother. The story Lao Lao tells the girl about a flamingo connects them in a fantastic and a totally fulfilling conclusion after the girl returns home.
The Flamingo

This handsome presentation for sophisticated readers about the Northern Mockingbird combines history and science along with traditional beliefs about the birds and their role with humans. Readable and fully sourced, this is sure to intrigue budding naturalists and historians.
Duet: Our Journey in Song with the Northern Mockingbird

When squirrels Norma and Belly grow tired of acorns, they decide to try pizza from the new shop in town. As with their other food adventures (Donut Feed the Squirrels (opens in a new window) and Apple of My Pie (opens in a new window)), success is always questionable. Jaunty illustrations in a lively, easy graphic format make each escapade a tasty treat.
Pizza My Heart

Their cattle were being killed by lions, but Richard Turere’s inspired invention solved a problem that had plagued the Maasai people — with only limited resources but much creativity. Illustrations vividly portray the African landscape near Nairobi National Park where the lions live. Additional information about the inventor and his invention is included.
Lion Lights: My Invention That Made Peace with Lions

Jo and Alex go on an adventure to find a mate for the last Rainbow Bird, meeting other birds of varying sizes along the way. Colorful and jaunty illustrations chronicle their fantastic journey with its satisfying and hopeful conclusion.
The Last Rainbow Bird

How did a polar bear wind up fishing in London’s Thames River? Historians tell us that the Norwegian king gave one to England’s Henry III. Illustrations evoke medieval illuminated manuscripts in a touching and informative look at a unique bit of history. Backmatter includes additional sources plus notes from both author and illustrator.
A Bear Far from Home

A small bear wonders why one plant isn’t flowering, but he takes excellent care of it nonetheless. Little does he know what is going on underneath the ground: a group of rabbits are feasting on the growing carrot! Readers will appreciate the dual narratives, one by the above-ground gardener, the other a visual narrative of rabbits’ activities.
Upside Down

What can a hole in a tree be? It can be a home, a hideout, or simply a place to read. Textured, stylized illustrations and text that can be read on two levels provide a glimpse at the variety of natural life that make tree holes their homes. Additional information about the tree hole dwellers is included.
Tree Hole Homes: Daytime Dens and Nighttime Nooks

How a small black-and-white kitten brings a community together is told through gentle illustration and a gently rhyming, cumulative text. Richly-hued illustrations depict a diverse neighborhood whose residents come together to help a small kitten. The satisfying book is sure to make a heartwarming read aloud.