Provides the English and Cree words for colors, along with the pronunciation.
Black Bear Red Fox (Colours in Cree)

Black cat. White cat. One is stretching out, and the other is crouching. When both perch in a window, one tail is straight, the other one curly. With a mouse to entertain them, variously lost and found, they move through the day, until one cat is awake and the other asleep. The pure color and simple shapes of the stylized illustrations reveal an elegant use of negative and positive space.
Up Cat Down Cat

With a spin of a sturdy wheel, familiar words in different languages appear in a die-cut window atop each photograph. Babies and older people say “hello” and “goodbye” with 18 other commonplace words in-between.
20 First Words in 20 Languages

A red crab hides in order to surprise the blue fish, green sea turtle, and other colorful unsuspecting sea creatures until something bigger comes along. The rhyming text and bright illustrations are sure to inform and delight young readers.
Snap: A Happy Book of Colors

Animals can be found in forests, under the sea, and even on a safari. But in this sturdy book, one has to lift a flap — maybe two — to find them.
My Peekaboo Animals

How do you feel when you see red? Does pink make you feel differently? Explore feelings with colorful animals in rhyming text and simple illustrations, easy to find with color-coded felt tabs.
Let’s Play, Happy Giraffe! A Book of Colorful Animals

Can you find the monkey hiding in the grocery store? Join shoppers as they find and hide the small animal in this sturdy, interactive jaunt to the store.
I Thought I Saw a Monkey!

Harris is a “very small hare with very big feet.” His grandfather helps him realize that those big, strong feet will carry Harris around the world and back. Elegant illustrations use different perspectives to show the distance the younger and older hares travel as Harris gains confidence.
Harris Finds His Feet

Lush, textured illustrations introduce animals on tall, sturdy pages. When flaps are opened, the illustrations expand and a bit of factual information is presented for a unique way to present fascinating creatures. Also by Jenkins: Sea Creatures Swim (opens in a new window).
Dinosaurs Roar

Frog, kitten, dog, grasshopper, and other critters (well, maybe not the snail) jump with each upward turn of durable pages. “BOING” configures differently for everyone airborne until a girl exclaims “I jump” accompanied by an extended “B-oi-oi-oi-oing!” This playful book is sure to delight young readers.

Split pages encourage young readers to look carefully at the cheerful illustrations with bold lines and simple forms. As night approaches, a page turns to reveal no one is hiding and soon, almost everyone sleeps!
Hide-and-Sleep: A Flip Flap Book

Simple concepts are presented in straightforward language in both Spanish and English. On each sturdy double page is a crisp illustration that uses simple line and flat form. The result is a precise, highly accessible look at the basic concepts of near and far. You may also want to share Lejos / Far (opens in a new window).
Cerca / Close

The science behind sound and vision is presented in accessible illustration and straightforward text. The language used includes sophisticated terms (e.g., cochlea, vibration) which will likely familiarize younger children and their adults with the science vocabulary. You may also enjoy Baby Loves the Five Senses: Sight (opens in a new window).
Baby Loves the Five Senses: Hearing!

Who lives in a pond? There are fish and fowl, insects and plants. Some live in the water, others near it. Straightforward questions are asked and answered as each is identified. Simple illustrations on sturdy, non-glossy pages made from recycled material are used in this and in the author/illustrator’s My Little Ocean (opens in a new window) to provide a quick way to introduce environments and words to young children.
My Little Pond

Pigs in a Blanket

Lift the sturdy flap to meet the offspring introduced by the adult animals in two durable volumes (Peek-a-Baby Ocean (opens in a new window)). Farm animals and the names of their young are likely to be more familiar than those that live in the ocean. Both, however, are engaging and informative.
Peek-a-Baby Farm

Bees buzz through the sturdy pages to introduce the activities of honeybees. With or without two bees that can be punched out of the front cover, young readers are encouraged to join the journey in this hive-shaped book.
Hello, Honeybees

Join the countdown of stomping dinosaurs from five to zero. Each numeral remains on double page spreads visible through die-cuts until the final pages where children are stomping in front of a skeleton in a museum. Dinosaurs depicted are identified at the very end.
Five Enormous Dinosaurs

Familiar rhymes, many of which are often sung, are presented in a sturdy format just right to share with young children. Simple, gently hued illustrations accompany each ditty and song.
Wheels on the Bus: And Other Favorite Songs and Rhymes

Basic signs of two seasons (see also Autumn Babies (opens in a new window)) are presented in brightly colored illustrations and staccato rhymes. The small size and sturdy pages are just right to introduce the youngest children to seasonal emblems.
Winter Babies

Young animals are tucked into bed by a caring adult. Pull the tab, and see them asleep in their cozy warm beds. Heavy duty tabs slide across to create a simple but magical scene change, sure to delight.
Time for Bed

Whose footprints are those? Even if you don’t know, turn the page to find out or who likes to play in water and more. Animals and insects — and even a young child — have footprints that provide clues and a touch of information. Realistic illustrations add fun and fact.
Step by Step

Bespectacled Rosa dons her helmet for a scooter ride with her friend Marcel. They share an everyday adventure that includes a healthful snack. Colorful, child-like illustrations and straightforward language are appealing and playful.
Rosa Rides Her Scooter

Fire fighters, police offices, medical staff and others are all rapid responders. Here, each introduces their special emergency vehicle. Lift the flap on sturdy pages for additional information about what it does. A similar format introduces all types of working boats in Whose Boat? (opens in a new window) by Toni Buzzeo, illustrated by Tom Froese.