Clear, textured illustrations of animals and their special parts (e.g., tail, nose) focus readers on the special function of each. Not only is it likely to generate a description of the appendage but its function (what it does), and of the animal and its environment. Other books by Steve Jenkins, such as Biggest, Strongest, Fastest (opens in a new window), may also generate rich descriptive language.
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Bugs, Birds, and Animals
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The real and truly amazing size of animals from the sea and land are shown in a way that children can understand and appreciate. Textured collage illustrations are used to show the actual size of a gorilla’s hand, a giant squid’s eye and much more. Additional information on each animal is included in an afterward to allow reading on several levels.
Actual Size

Meet a variety of animals face-to-face and then learn about some of their most unique features. For example, why do the harpy eagle’s feathers stick out? Questions are posed and then answered by the animals themselves, shown full-face in striking, realistic collages. Additional information about animals, their size and distribution is included.
Creature Features

Lush, textured illustrations introduce animals on tall, sturdy pages. When flaps are opened, the illustrations expand and a bit of factual information is presented for a unique way to present fascinating creatures. Also by Jenkins: Sea Creatures Swim (opens in a new window).
Dinosaurs Roar

Through infographics, illustrations, facts, and figures, readers will learn about the giants that roamed the earth millions of years ago, but that still captivate their imaginations: Dinosaurs. Discover some of the most fascinating aspects of dinosaurs through astonishing numbers: the varying sizes and shapes of dinosaurs, timelines of when they roamed the earth, charts comparing the fastest dinos with the speedy animals of today, maps of where these giant reptiles lived across the globe, and so much more.
Dinosaurs: By the Numbers

Read about dogs with cat icons, and then turn the book over to learn about cats – with dog icons. Informative, informal text combines with textured collage illustrations for an intriguing and edifying look at these familiar animals.
Dogs & Cats

A walking octopus? A swimming elephant? A flying snake? Yes! Animals move in varied, unexpected ways. Stunning collage illustrations and informative text present a range of animals and how they move. Additional information about where these animals live is included.
Flying Frogs and Walking Fish

Unlikely animals work together to the benefit of both as do more usual pairings such as dogs and people. How and why these relationships work is detailed in brief text and handsome collage illustration.
How to Clean a Hippopotamus: A Look at Unusual Animal Partnerships

From whales to wasps, glimpses into animal behavior makes for intriguing reading. A pig eating python concludes the brief, engaging book illustrated with cut and torn paper collage. Back matter includes a bit more detail about the creatures described.
How to Swallow a Pig: Step-by-Step Advice from the Animal Kingdom

Whether in the sky, on the land, or in the sea, animals live in all sorts of fascinating environments. Discover six of the most intriguing habitats, and have fun pinpointing the camouflaged critters hiding within them in this interactive and informative picture book full of furry, feathery, and ferocious creatures.
I See a Kookaburra! Discovering Animal Habitats Around the World

In just a second, a bat can make 200 calls, a black mamba snake can slither 24 feet, four babies are born somewhere in the world, and much more. Time takes on new meaning in this stylishly illustrated, provocative look at time and how it’s measured.
Just a Second

From rocks to coral reefs, animals and insects can be difficult to see. Why? Because camouflage provides protection. Camouflaged animals are described in specific environments; turn the page and the same animal is shown without camouflage with recognizable size comparisons. Additional information concludes the handsomely illustrated and informative volume.
Look Again: Secrets of Animal Camouflage

Most of the time animals want to be discreet. But sometimes they want to be noticed. In their signature use of collage, this team presents handsome portraits of a range of animals and information about each. Additional information about the subjects is included at the end.
Look at Me!

Looking Down

Exploring its history, geography, climate, and culture, this unique book takes readers on the ultimate adventure of climbing Mount Everest.
The Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest

Textured collages realistically present a variety of animals and their bathing habits. Text in different typefaces allows this informative book to engage on different levels.
Time for a Bath

Have you ever wondered what a zookeeper does each day? Large, textured collages focus on animals as we learn about a zookeeper’s duties which involve everything from cuddling a joey to brushing a hippo’s feet. Factual information about zoos, the animals presented, and additional resources conclude this handsome book.
What Do You Do If You Work at the Zoo?

Animal characteristics provide clues as different animals ask the reader to guess who they are. Each clue is clearly pictured on a white page; then turn the page to view the entire animal on a double-page spread. Crisp collage illustrates each
creature. The accessible volume ends with additional information (including size comparisons).