A bald baby with a round head and an expressive face confronts the challenge of learning how to walk. Children who have mastered the art of walking and adults who cheer them on will appreciate the subtle humor in both text and cartoon-like illustration.
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For one glorious, hot summer week, James went to stay with his friend Eamon’s grandparents so the boys could go to a nature camp. Though the boys seem to prefer playing video games and staying indoors, the truth is in the comic illustration. Adults will recall summer vacation while young readers will enjoy its unbridled joy.
A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever

Households are changed when a new baby arrives — especially when the addition assumes the position of boss! Readers will recognize the humor in the exaggerated role of one family’s latest addition revealed in understated language and comic illustrations.
Boss Baby

Hush, Little Baby

The thrill is mixed with just a bit of anxiety when you are finally tall enough to ride the huge roller coaster! Expressive line and wash illustrations convey the motion of a roller coaster with text looping and swirling around the pages. The breakneck speed will delight, excite, and amaze young readers.
Roller Coaster

A baby clown is separated from his family when he accidentally bounces off their circus train and lands in a lonely farmer’s vast, empty field. The farmer reluctantly rescues the little clown, and over the course of one day together, the two of them make some surprising discoveries about themselves — and about life!