Other books by this author

Calling the Doves is poet Juan Felipe Herrera’s story of his migrant farmworker childhood. In delightful and lyrical language, he recreates the joy of eating breakfast under the open sky, listening to Mexican songs in the little trailer house his father built, and celebrating with other families at a fiesta in the mountains. He remembers his mother singing songs and reciting poetry, and his father telling stories and calling the doves.
Calling the Doves

Simple concepts are presented in straightforward language in both Spanish and English. On each sturdy double page is a crisp illustration that uses simple line and flat form. The result is a precise, highly accessible look at the basic concepts of near and far. You may also want to share Lejos / Far (opens in a new window).
Cerca / Close


Grandma and Me at the Flea

Former U.S. Poet Laureate Herrara leads readers on a poetic journey to encourage writing. Brief biographical sketches of the poet are interspersed as are a variety of black and white illustrations. Aspiring poets are sure to be inspired by this creative mixture which uses made-up words from Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky.”