Twirling like leaves. Flying on swings high in the air. Leaf Baby is off to the park for a fun-filled autumn day with Grandpa. The whimsical rhyming verse and vibrant illustrations will delight toddlers, parents, and grandparents alike as they share the fun of this magical season. [Amazon]
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The large format of this collection of stories both factual and fictionalized has been created by about 100 notable authors and illustrators with an introduction by historian David McCullough. Ideal for sharing aloud at home or in the classroom, activities and additional resources are up-to-date at a companion website (opens in a new window).
Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out

If you can pat a cake, why not a peach or a cold and bumpy pickle? How about a fuzzy caterpillar crawling on your knee? A well-known rhyme expands into a tactile exploration of a toddler’s world. [Amazon]

Down at the corner of Magnolia and Vine, you’ll find the shop of Shoebox Sam — where old shoes become like new again and anyone in need finds a friend. Delia and Jessie spend Saturdays with Shoebox Sam, helping him with customers, rich and poor. They learn about giving and caring, loving and sharing. Then one day, when a customer notices a prized pair of shoes, they uncover their greatest lesson of all. [Amazon]
Shoebox Sam