Other books by this author

Every word in this book is true; that is, of course, “unless it’s false.” Outrageous stories about this larger-than-life guy were inspired by the Crockett almanacs and are retold here with verve and laugh-out-loud humor in words and pictures.
Davy Crockett Saves the World

The Georges most prominent in early America — England’s George III and America’s George Washington — had much in common even though their politics put them on opposite sides of the issue of independence as well as the Atlantic. Serious information about the men, their struggles, and the times in which they lived is conveyed in an engaging format and light touch that tells of the birth of the United States.
George vs. George: The American Revolution as Seen By Both Sides

In the mid-19th century, the carpenter who found a nugget of gold in a river near Sutter’s mill had no idea that this would begin a rush to the West. Authentic voices from journals and other original sources are seamlessly incorporated in the generously illustrated, engaging, and informative book.
Gold Fever!: Tales from the California Gold Rush

Benjamin Franklin was amazing. He was a musician, aprinter, a cartoonist, a shopkeeper, an inventor andmore. He figured out how to solve many problems – including how to steal lightening from the sky toprevent it from starting fires in Colonial towns. Conversational text and lighthearted illustrationsintroduce this early American hero to a new generation.
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning

John Smith Escapes Again!

Travel back in time with a bunch of cowpokes and their cattle from Texas all the way to Kansas on the old Chisholm Trail. Cartoon-like illustration and surprisingly informative language of a traditional folksong blend laughter and learning as the tale unfolds — with or without the tune (though music is included).
The Old Chisholm Trail

What Darwin Saw: The Journey That Changed the World