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Learning to Make Responsible Decisions
Other books by this author

David Gets in Trouble

David Goes to School

When Duck decides to try riding a bike, the other farmanimals scoff at him – that is, until a group of kidsleave their bikes unattended. Expressiveillustrations use different perspectives to show theanimals gleefully riding the bikes around the barnyardin this imaginative and funny romp.
Duck on a Bike

The daring Duck on a Bike wowed the other animals as he rode around the farm. This time, they all join him on the tractor into town! Ebullient artwork and repeating phrases create a rollicking adventure for Duck and company to the amazement of townspeople.
Duck on a Tractor

David, the naughty but loveable kid from No, David (opens in a new window), again hears those words. This time, however, it’s his big brother who shouts them; David is too little to play with the older boys. The illustrator’s signature illustrations and hand drawn text create a humorous, recognizable addition to books about this sharp-toothed little boy.
Grow Up, David!

Baseball and a boy named Georgie Radbourn are the reason that America’s perpetual winter came to an end. It was his perseverance and love of baseball that finally cracked failed player Boss Swaggert’s hold on the game. Dark hued illustrations evoke a time past and celebrate the triumph of innocence over evil
How Georgie Radbourn Saved Baseball

Jangles is the fish of legendary proportion. He’s evaded everything from special lures to dynamite from fishermen on Big Lake. The narrator shares his father’s story about Jangles, realistically illustrated in deeply hued colors for a fish tale of gigantic proportion.
Jangles: A Big Fish Story

“No, David,” wails his mother, as David reaches for the cookie jar. “No! No! No!” as he makes a swamp out of the bathroom. “Come back here, David!” as he runs naked down the street. David is an energetic little rascal who is constantly getting into trouble.
No, David!