Happy New Year! January is a great time to look ahead, but I also like to revisit the past to remember some highlights. Several blog topics seemed to resonate with readers (using comments as a barometer), and for me that provides guidance about other topics I should write about in the coming year.
The topic of kindergarten readiness produced many comments. Lots of parents struggle with the same decision we faced when it came time to decide whether we should send our summer birthday child to kindergarten . Social/emotional development, literacy skills, and school climate all seem to play a role for parents, and we’ll continue to discuss those topics this year.
Word searches, as a waste of instructional time, Accelerated Reader , and my feelings about particular reading logs also sparked many comments. I love that your comments span such diverse opinions, and that several audiences (parents, teachers, professors, even students!) weighed in. I’ll continue to blog about specific instructional issues here, and I hope you’ll continue to let me know your thoughts.
Last, we love to talk about books to share with kids. My favorite classroom read alouds and my appeal for books to read to my daughter’s third-grade class yielded great suggestions. I hope you’ll keep on sharing your book finds with us. I promise to do the same!
What do you want to talk about this year? I know several topics I’d like to broach: year-round schooling, ways to practice spelling words during the week, writing and language development, and parenting a struggling reader. Again, happy new year, stay warm, and keep reading and commenting! I love hearing from you.