This time of year, there are a zillion lists: to-do, must-do, “can’t go to bed until this is done” lists, and then there are those designed to help us wrap up our holiday shopping. Below are some of my favorite lists, maybe there’s something here for you too!
Perhaps the most comprehensive collection of book recommendations, our Annual Buying Guide includes books for kids ranging from 0-4 to 8-9 year olds.
From Choice Literacy, the 4th Annual Gifts for Literacy Geeks list. I especially love the Choose Books t-shirt from the Literacy Tees section.
From Imagination Soup, a holiday gift guide (PDF) that includes educational ideas that cover interests in geography and history, science, reading, Spanish, pretend, and more. (Caution: the file is big; allow a minute for it to load).
Common Sense Media helps with all kinds of shopping with their lists. I used the Best DVDs for Kids and Families guide to help me learn what movies we should catch up on over winter break. Most of Common Sense’s lists can be viewed by child’s age, which is helpful.
The Parents’ Choice Gift Guide is arranged by age and by price. Included in their guide are eco-friendly toys and gifts for kids with special needs.
Good luck with those to do lists!