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Skylar wrote and asked, “What books should I read to an 18 month old and a 3 year old or does it even matter what I read to them? Someone please help me.”

Thanks for the great question, Skylar. There are TONS of recommendations out there for what types of books to read for certain ages; I’ll try to compile a few good resources here. I hope others will chime in with their tried and true favorites.

One sure earmark of a good read aloud — it needs to be a book YOU like too, because you may find yourself reading it over and over and over and over and over and over again (and that’s a good thing!). I’m ashamed to say that one or two books have ‘disappeared’ for weeks as my husband and I take a break… but those books have a way of coming back! Perhaps the most important reason to like what you’re reading aloud is because your enthusiasm will be contagious.

My girls still love our Mother Goose (opens in a new window)book illustrated by Rosemary Wells, although it’s a sit-and-listen book, too big to be hauled around by little ones. Our Mrs. Wishy-Washy (opens in a new window)board book inspired both my girls to mime washing movements while listening, and a cloth version of Go, Dog, Go (opens in a new window)was great because we could throw it in the wash with the bibs. Sandra Boynton’s Blue Hat, Green Hat (opens in a new window)was FUN just for its silliness (they LOVE the Oops! part), and we still get out our Goodnight Moon (opens in a new window)and Time for Bed (opens in a new window)for those last sleepy, precious moments of the day.

The Family Foundation compiled some reasons (opens in a new window)why we should all be reading aloud to our kids and suggestions for techniques (opens in a new window)to use while we read aloud. They also have a handy tool (opens in a new window)for generating lists of books by type (for example wordless, repeating, alphabet, concept books). Jim Trelease just released his 6th edition of The Read Aloud Handbook (opens in a new window) that includes lots of book ideas. The American Library Association (ALA) provides a list of the 2007 Notable Children’s Books (opens in a new window), and I’d be totally remiss if I didn’t put in a plug for your local library. My local system is wonderful, and the media specialists there absolutely love to talk about books for kids. They are kind enough to publish booklists of recommendations by age: books for babies and toddlers (opens in a new window), preschoolers (opens in a new window)and more. I’ll bet your local library has similar resources.

I’d love to hear from you — what have been your favorite read alouds?

About the Author

Joanne Meier has more than 20 years of experience in the field of education, including serving on the faculty at the University of Virginia for six years where she trained reading specialists and future classroom teachers. Dr. Meier was Reading Rockets’ research-to-practice consultant from 2002 to 2014, where she wrote the Page by Page (opens in a new window) blog — sharing best practices in supporting young readers at home and in the classroom.

Publication Date
February 27, 2007

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