Longer, warmer, sunnier days can only mean one thing: summer’s finally here! And no matter what you’re doing, don’t forget to bring along the books. You can even travel without leaving home.
I always find it fascinating that experts support what common sense tells us — simply that summer reading should remain light. I think we all need to be reminded sometimes that children learn even while they’re having fun.
If reading is a drudge or becomes a painful process of decoding words, readers of any age won’t have energy left over to make meaning or find humor. And, well, that’s just not fun.
I like funny books, especially during the summer. And what could be better than a silly book set in the sea? A blue squid claims I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean in a book by Kevin Sherry (Dial) — even bigger than the bar code on the back of the book.
Kids will get a kick out of the silly squid as they repeat the refrain, “I’m bigger than…” and maybe consider what they’re bigger than — and all because books are the biggest things ever!