It happens every four years. There’s an increase in visitors, heightened activity, lots of temporary structures being built in the nation’s capital. Regardless of the weather, regardless of the political chatter, there’s a Presidential Inauguration to prepare for.
On Monday, January 21, President Barack Obama will take the oath of office for his second term. The news has been full of it. What does history tell us about second inaugurations? Are they as exciting the second time around?
Why is President Obama being sworn in twice, once on Sunday and again on Monday? What does the oath ask of this — and other — U.S. Presidents?
What’s all the hoopla about anyway and how can adults make children part of it?
The National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance has built on their 2010 book Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out (Candlewick) to create an online (downloadable) resource sure to not only inform but inspire adults with activities to actively engage children.
The Our White House Inauguration Celebration Kit for Kids was created especially for parents, family members, teachers, librarians, and community leaders. Not only is it likely kids will get caught up in the fascinating material gathered here, they’ll have a good time trying some of the suggested activities — from designing a parade float to hosting an inaugural poetry reading.
No matter where you live, you can join the festivities — in person or virtually. Children will find inaugural excitement positively contagious when guided by an informed adult and in doing so, become excited about a uniquely American tradition.