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All she wanted to do was clean my teeth and share new pictures of her 6-month-old little girl.

“She’s very cute!” I mumbled, with Christina’s hands in my mouth. “Do you read to her?” I asked.

“We do! Probably a book almost every day. But it’s not like she understands what we say. It’s sort of funny to do it.”

There’s nothing like a comment like that to get this reading specialist to sit up in the chair and start talking. And talk we did!

We talked all about the fact her daughter started learning the moment she was born! And that there are specific ways she can read with her baby. (opens in a new window) I shared the value of narrating everything she does as a way to get language into the house, (opens in a new window) and how one of my favorite researchers, Todd Risley, described for Reading Rockets the language differences at school entry (opens in a new window) when kids came from homes with lots of talk. We (okay, I) talked about proven ideas for parents of babies (opens in a new window) that prepare them for later success in reading.

I shared some of my favorite books for young listeners (opens in a new window) and about how our own public library is joining the movement to add more services for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.

I’m sorry, Christina. I couldn’t help myself!

About the Author

Along with her background as a professor, researcher, writer, and teacher, Joanne Meier is a mom. Join Joanne as she shares her experiences raising her own young readers, and guides parents and teachers on the best practices in reading.

Publication Date
June 2, 2009