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Graphic Novels for Kids: Classroom Ideas, Booklists, and More

Children’s Books

Graphic Novels for Kids: Classroom Ideas, Booklists, and More

Graphic novels for elementary and middle grade children have become enormously popular and widely accepted by parents, teachers, and librarians. In this resource section, learn more about this highly visual form of storytelling and how it can be used in the classroom, meet some writers and illustrators of graphic novels, and browse the “best of” booklists.

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Similar to comic books, graphic novels weave rich, lively visuals with a limited amount of text to drive the narrative. Graphic novels can be especially appealing to readers who are reluctant to pick up a more traditional book.

The graphic novel format can be found in a wide range of genres: fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, fairy tales and myths — as well as nonfiction, including biography, history, and science.

For example, Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales (opens in a new window) is a popular graphic novel series that showcases major events and individuals in history — “a wonderfully fun rumpus,” says Meryl Jaffee (opens in a new window) in her blog about using graphic novels in education. Another example: there are graphic novel versions of the popular Rick Riordan series (opens in a new window), Percy Jackson and the Olympians — stories inspired by Greek myths.

Struggling and reluctant readers

Graphic novels are a great way to help struggling readers strengthen , build reading confidence and stamina, and develop a deeper appreciation of storytelling. They also allow struggling readers to have reading successes, as described by author/illustrator Cece Bell (El Deafo):

“But there was like this sense of satisfaction for readers who maybe have a little bit of difficulty reading. Here are these pictures that help propel me through. It doesn’t take very long to get through a page. Suddenly you read a 220-page book, and you’ve never read a 220-page book in your life. It’s like this gateway to reading maybe things that are more difficult down the road …”

— Cece Bell (El Deafo)

Graphic novels offer struggling readers different cues to a story. If a child comes across unknown vocabulary or a complicated narrative twist, the illustrations can provide contextual clues that can help the reader figure out the meaning of that passage.

Graphic novels can introduce struggling readers to the world of classic literature. Classical Comics and Graphic Classics, for example, publish graphic novel versions of Dickens, Shakespeare, Twain, Alcott, and other great writers.

Recommended graphic novels for kids

Gene Luen Yang: Reading Without Walls

Gene Luen Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. In 2006, his graphic novel, American Born Chinese — a memoir about growing up as an Asian American — became the first graphic novel to win the American Library Association’s Printz Award. He is the author of the Secret Coders series and has written for the hit comics Avatar: The Last Airbender and Superman. In 2016, the Library of Congress named Gene as the 5thNational Ambassador for Young People’s Literature (opens in a new window). Later that same year, Gene received the MacArthur Fellow (opens in a new window) “Genius Grant.”

As part of his Ambassador outreach, Gene publishes a video blog, Reading Without Walls, on Reading Rockets. A few sample posts:

Gene Luen Yang: The Making of a Graphic Novel

Watch as Yang demonstrates the steps in his writing and drawing process. (Credit: The Kennedy Center Education Department (opens in a new window), Performing Arts Series).

Interviews with graphic novel writers and illustrators

Listen in as these award-winning writers and illustrators talk about graphic novel storytelling, how this format can support struggling or reluctant readers, using graphic novels in the classroom, and more. You can view selected clips in the playlist here, or view the complete interviews (see the links below).

Watch the full interviews

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