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Tale of Two Schools

Across the country, schools are struggling with their most basic job: teaching kids to read. 

Introduction: Reading Rocks!

Set to a hip-hop soundtrack, “Reading Rocks!” uses wacky humor and stories of hope to encourage struggling readers to keep trying.

Carol McDonald Connor: Progress Monitoring at Tier 2

Dr. Connor discusses progress monitoring, data-driven tailoring for Tier 3 instruction,  assessing foundational reading skills, selecting progress monitoring measures, and developing data-driven decision-making rules.

Introduction: Reading and the Brain

Reading and the Brain explores how brain scientists are working to solve the puzzle of why some children struggle to read and others don’t.


Ben may be dyslexic, but he’s also a published author! 

Talking Tutoring: Tutoring 101

In this introductory overview, the panelists discuss who needs tutoring help and why, and what options are available in school and after school.

Teaching Tavares

At Walton Elementary, teachers use Reading Mastery, a scripted reading program.

Assessing Reading Skills

At the Stern Center in Williston, Vermont, struggling students get a leg up on reading and other skills.
