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Book Theme
Grade Level

The Revels

Cooper loves writing plays, lyrics, and program and record notes for the Revels, a community event that celebrates seasonal rituals through song and theater.

Writing to find meaning

Mary Amato explains how writing is a way of finding meaning in the ordinary things of life.

Why we read

Mary Amato explains why we read and why we write.

An outsider

For many years, DiCamillo struggled through odd jobs to support her writing.

A matter of temperament

Marcus has always been drawn to non-fiction, but that didn’t stifle his interest in fantasy writers.

The Real Shiloh

Naylor’s Newbery-winning story was inspired by the author’s own encounter with a lost, abused dog in rural Shiloh, West Virginia.

Poetry Friday Anthologies

Dr. Sylvia Vardell introduces her newest collaboration with Janet Wong, The Poetry Friday Anthology series.
