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What can we all do to make sure that students with dyslexia get the accommodations they need to demonstrate what they know and to continue their learning?

Expert answer

Accommodations are essential for a dyslexic reader. Brain imaging studies demonstrate that the fast pathways for fluent reading do not develop in dyslexic readers. As a result, such a reader must rely on slower pathways that allow him or her to read accurately, but not rapidly.

Unfortunately, accommodations are greatly misunderstood. We must all work to ensure that the nature and rationale and the necessity for accommodations are understand. We should not accept the flawed logic that if a person is doing relatively well in school he does not require accommodations. Dyslexics may do very well in school as a result of accommodations and this should not be used as an excuse to deny accommodations.

In Chapter 2 of Overcoming Dyslexia, you’ll find information about and answers to the most common questions asked about accommodations. We should all work hard to ensure that this critical information is disseminated and that schools and testing agencies decisions reflect scientific knowledge about dyslexia and not outdated myths.

I cannot emphasize how important accommodations are virtually a life line for dyslexics. Now that we understand the scientific necessity for accommodations, we must ensure that each student receives the accommodations he or she needs.

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