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Third Grade

Looking at Writing: Third Grade

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During third grade, children are really flexing their “idea” muscles and learning to express those ideas in more sophisticated ways. Sentences are getting longer and more complex. Kids are learning to use a dictionary to correct their own spelling. improves; for example, you’ll see appropriate punctuation, contractions, and correct subject-verb agreement. 

Third graders can write an essay with a simple thesis statement, examples and supporting details, and a thoughtful concluding sentence. They are building skills in the writing process — research, planning, organizing, , and (with help from teachers and peers).

Select the writing sample links at left to view real examples of third grade writing at different skill levels.

Featured video

Watch a lesson on sentence expansion (whole class)

In this writing lesson, Maria Bailey, a support teacher at Riverside Elementary School in Toledo, Ohio, works with students on sentence expansion — adding details to make sentences more interesting and informative. Students answer the question “why?” with some help from the word “because” to elaborate on a simple idea. The lesson begins with the whole group, then students work in partners, and finally they write expanded sentences independently. In writing longer sentences, students build their understanding of sentence structure. (From our sister project Reading Universe (opens in a new window))

The videos below were developed by Great Schools (opens in a new window) and used with permission. 

What does 3rd grade writing look like?

Can your 3rd grader write an informational essay?

Can your 3rd grader do research for an essay?

Growing Writers

Join third grade teacher Shana Sterkin to see how she incorporates purposeful writing into her classroom every day, and strives to create a joyful, confident community of writers. Watch Growing Writers

Classroom strategies

Informal assessment
