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103 Things to Do Before, During, or After Reading

This article offers a collection of interactive activities that help kids become more involved in the stories that they read.

  1. Pantomime

    Act out a scene you choose or the class calls out to you while up there.

  2. Dramatic monologue

    Create a monologue for a character in a scene. What are they thinking/feeling at that moment? Why?

  3. Dramatic monologue

    Create a monologue for a character while they are out of the book. Where are they? Why? What are they thinking?

  4. Business card book

    Write the story in the most compelling way you can on paper the size of a business card.

  5. Postcard

    Write to a friend, the author, or to a character about this book. Write as if you were the character or author and write to yourself.

  6. Mapmaker

    Draw a map of the book’s setting.

  7. Moviemaker

    Write a one page “pitch” to a producer explaining why the story would or would not make a great movie.

  8. Trailer

    Movie previews always offer a quick sequence of the best moments that make us want to watch it – storyboard or narrate the scenes for your trailer. Focus on verbs.

  9. Billboard

    As in the movies, take what seems the most compelling image(s) and create an ad.

  10. Adjective-itis

    Pick five adjectives for the book or character(s), and explain how they apply.

  11. Collage

    Create an individual or class collage around themes or characters in the book.

  12. Haiku/Limerick

    Create one about a character.

  13. CliffsNotes

    Have each student take a chapter and, using the CliffsNotes format, create their own.

  14. Roundtable

    Give students a chance to talk about what intrigues, bothers, confuses them about the book.

  15. Silent roundtable

    The only rule is the teacher cannot say anything during the period allotted for class discussion of book.

  16. Silent conversation

    A student writes about a story on paper, then passes it to another who responds to what they said. Each subsequent respondent “talks” to/about all those before.

  17. Fishbowl

    Impromptu or scheduled, two to four students sit in middle of circle and talk about a text. The class makes observations about the conversation then rotate into the circle.

  18. Movie review

    Students write a review of (or discuss) a movie based on a story.

  19. Dear author

    After reading a book the student(s) write the author via the publisher (who always forwards them).

  20. Dig deeper on the web

    Prior to, while, or after reading a book, research the book, its author, or its subject online.

  21. Inspirations

    Watch a film inspired by a story (e.g., Franny and Alexander is inspired by Hamlet) and compare/contrast.

  22. Timeline

    Create a timeline that includes both the events in the novel and historical information of the time. Try using Post-Its on a whiteboard or butcher paper!

  23. Mandala

    Create a mandala with many levels to connect different aspects of a book, its historical time, and culture.

  24. Transparencies

    Copy portions of the text to a transparency. Kids annotate with markers and then get up to present their interpretations to the class.

  25. Gender-bender

    Rewrite a scene and change the gender of the characters to show how they might act differently (e.g., Lord of Flies). You can also have a roundtable on gender differences.

  26. Picture this

    Bring in art related to book’s time or themes. Compare, describe, and discuss.

  27. Kids books

    Bring in children’s books about related themes and read these aloud to class.

  28. Downgrade

    Adapt myths or other stories for a younger audience. Make into children’s books or dramatic adaptation on video or live.

  29. Draw!

    Translate chapters into storyboards and cartoons; draw the most important scene in the chapter and explain its importance and action.

  30. Oprah bookclub

    Host a talkshow: students play the host, author, and cast of characters. Allow questions from the audience.

  31. Fictional friends

    Who of all the characters would you want for a friend? Why? What would you do or talk about together?

  32. State of the Union

    The President wants to recommend a book to the nation: tell him one important realization you had while reading this book and why he should recommend it.

  33. Interview question

    When I interview prospective teachers, my first question is always, “What are you reading and do you like it?”

  34. Dear diary

    Keep a diary as if you were a character in the story. Write down events that happen during the story and reflect on how they affected the character and why.

  35. Rosencrantz and Gildenstern

    Write a story or journal from the perspective of characters with no real role in the story and show us what they see and think from their perspective.

  36. Improv

    Get up in front of class or in a fishbowl and be whatever character the class calls out and do whatever they direct. Have fun with it.

  37. What if?

    Write about or discuss how the story would differ if the characters were something other than they are: a priest, another gender or race, a different age, or social class.

  38. Interrupted conversations

    Pair up and trade-off reading through some text. Any time you have something to say about some aspect of the story, interrupt the reader and discuss, question, argue.

  39. Found poetry

    Take sections of the story and, choosing carefully, create a found poem; then read these aloud and discuss.

  40. 13 views

    Inspired by the Wallace Stevens poem “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird (opens in a new window),” write a poem where each stanza offers a different view of a character or chapter.

  41. Personal ad

    What would a particular character write in a personal ad for the newspaper? After posting on board, discuss.

  42. Holden meets Hamlet

    What would one character (or set of them) in one story say to another if given the chance to talk or correspond? Write a dialogue, skit, or letter.

  43. Character analysis

    Describe a character as a psychologist or recruiting officer might: what are they like? Examples? Why are they like that?

  44. Epistle poem

    Write a poem in the form and voice of a letter: e.g., Phoebe to Holden from Catcher in the Rye.

  45. Write into

    Find a “hole” in the story where the character disappears (off camera) for a time and describe what they do when we can’t see them.

  46. Imaginary interview

    Identify an interesting character from a movie. Write an imaginary interview with the friends and family of that movie character to help reader’s understand the character’s motivations.

  47. Author interview

    Write an interview or letter in which the character in a story asks the author a series of questions and reflects on how they feel about the way they were made.

  48. Time traveler

    What would you do, say, or think if you “traveled” into the story you are reading?

  49. Time machine

    Instead of traveling into the book, write a scene or story in which the character(s) travel out of the book into today.

  50. Biography

    Write a biography of one of the characters who most interests you.

  51. Autobiography

    Have the character that most interests you write their autobiography of the time before, during, or after the story occurs.

  52. P.S.

    After you read the story, write an epilogue in which you explain — using whatever tense and tone the author does — what happened to the character(s) next.

  53. Board game

    Have groups design board games based on stories then play them. This is especially fun and works well with The Odyssey.

  54. Life graph

    Using the Life Graph assignment, plot the events in the character’s life during the story and evaluate their importance; follow up with discussion of graphs.

  55. Second chance

    Talk or write about how it would change the story if a certain character had made a different decision earlier in the story (e.g., what if Huck of Huckleberry Finn had not run away?)

  56. Poetry connection

    Bring in poems that are thematically related to the story. Integrate these into larger discussion. Use Poetry Index.

  57. Reader response

    Pick the most important word/line/image/object/event in the chapter and explain why you chose it. Be sure to support all analysis with examples.

  58. Notes and quotes

    Draw a line down the middle of the page. On one side write down important quotes, on the other comment on and analyze the quotes.

  59. Dear classmate

    Using email or some other means of corresponding, write each other about the book as you read it, having a written conversation about the book.

  60. Convention introduction

    You have been asked to introduce the book’s author to a convention of English teachers. What would you say? Write and deliver your speech.

  61. Sing me a song

    Write a song/ballad about the story, a character, or an event in the book.

  62. Write your own

    Using the themes in the story, write your own story, creating your own characters and situation. It does not have to relate to the story at all aside from its theme.

  63. Executive summary

    Take a 3x5 card and summarize what happened on one side. On the other, analyze the importance of what happened and the reasons it happened.

  64. Read aloud

    One student starts the reading and goes until they wish to pass. They call on whomever they wish and that person picks up and continues reading for as long as they wish.

  65. Quaker reading

    Like a Quaker meeting, one person stands and reads then sits and whomever wishes to picks up and reads for as long as with wish… and so it goes.

  66. Pageant of the Masters

    In Los Angeles this remarkable event asks groups to stage different classical paintings in real life. People would try to do a still life of some scene from a book or play. The class should then discuss what is going on in this human diorama.

  67. Create a diorama

    Create a diorama of a particularly important scene such as the courtroom or Ewells’ house in To Kill a Mockingbird.

  68. Day in court

    Use the story as the basis for a court trial; students can be witnesses, expert witnesses called to testify, judge, jury, bailiff, reporter; great fun for a couple days.

  69. Censorship defense

    Imagine that the book you are reading has been challenged by a special interest group. Students must write a letter defending the book, using specific evidence from the book to support their ideas.

  70. Call for censorship

    In order to better understand all sides to an argument, imagine you are someone who feels this particular book should not be read and write a letter in which you argue it should be removed.

  71. Speculation

    Based on everything you know now in the story, what do you think will happen and why do you think that?

  72. Questions anyone?

    Students make a list of a certain number of questions they have about a particular character or aspect of the book; use these as the basis for class discussion.

  73. Newspaper connection

    Have students read the newspapers and magazines to find articles that somehow relate to issues and ideas in the book(s) you are reading. Bring those articles in and discuss.

  74. Organize the class into groups, each one with a specific focus. After a time rotate so that new groups are formed to share what they discussed in their previous group.

  75. Open mind

    Draw an empty head and inside of it draw any symbols or words or images that are bouncing around in the mind of the character of a story. Follow it up with writing or discussion to explain and explore responses.

  76. Interrogation

    A student must come up before the class and, pretending to be a character or the author, answer questions from the class.

  77. Post-Its

    If they are using a school book in which they cannot make notes or marks, encourage them to keep a pack of Post-Its with them and make notes on these.

  78. Just the facts, ma’am

    Acting as a reporter, ask the students the basic questions to facilitate a discussion: who, what, where, why, when, how?

  79. SQ3R

    When reading a textbook or article, try this strategy:

    1. (S)urvey the assigned reading by first skimming through it

    2. then formulate (Q)uestions by turning all chapter headings and subheadings into questions to answer as you read

    3. next (R)ead the assigned section and try to answer those questions you formulated

    4. now (R)ecite the information by turning away from the text as soon as you’ve finished reading the assigned section and reiterate it in your own words

    5. finally, (R)eview what you read by going back to your questions, the chapter headings, and asking yourself what they are all referring to, what they mean

  80. Brainstorming/webbing

    Put a character or other word in the middle of a web. Have students brainstorm associations while you write them down, then have them make connections between ideas and discuss or write about them.

  81. Cultural

    Find out what students already know and address what they need to know before reading a story or certain part of a story.

  82. Storyboard

    Individually or in groups, create a storyboard for the chapter or story.

  83. Interactive story

    Create a multimedia, interactive version of the story.

  84. Web guides

    Search the web for interactive trailers or virtual tours based on the books you might be studying.

  85. Tableau

    Similar to the Pageant of the Masters, this option asks you to create a still life setting; then someone steps up to touch different characters who come alive and talk from their perspective about the scene.

  86. Audiobooks

    There are many audio editions of books we teach now available — some are even read by famous stars who turn the book into its own audio performance. Recommend audiobooks to students with reading difficulties or play portions of them in class.

  87. Sound off!

    Play a video version of a book you are reading — only turn off the sound while they watch it. Have them narrate or discuss or write about what is happening, what the actors are revealing about the story through their gestures. Then compare what you saw with what you read.

  88. Narrate your own reading

    Show kids how you read a text by reading it aloud and interrupting yourself to explain how you grapple with it as you go. Model your own thinking process; kids often don’t know what it “looks like” to think.

  89. Magnetic poetry

    If working with a poem, enlarge it on copier or computer and cut all words up into pieces; place in an envelope and have groups create poems from these words. Later on discuss using the same words for different texts. Heavier stock paper is ideal for this activity.

  90. Venn diagram

    Use a Venn diagram to help you organize your thinking about a text as you read it. Put differences between two books or characters on opposite sides and similarities in the middle.

  91. Write an essay

    Using one of the different rhetorical modes, write an essay in which you make meaningful connections between the text and your own experiences or other texts you have read.

  92. P.O.V.

    How would it change the story if you rewrote it in a different point of view (e.g., changed it from first to third person)? Try it!

  93. Daily edition

    Using the novel as the basis for your stories, columns and editorials, create an newspaper or magazine based on or inspired by the book you are reading.

  94. Read recursively

    On occasion circle back around to the beginning of the chapter or text to keep yourself oriented as to “the big picture.” This is especially important if you have questions to answer based on reading.

  95. Oral history

    If you are reading a historical text, have students interview people who have some familiarity with that time period or the subject of the book.

  96. Guest speaker

    If you are reading a book that deals with a subject an expert might help them better understand, invite one in. Try the Veterans of Foreign Wars, for example, if reading about war.

  97. Storytelling

    After reading a story, pair up with others and tell the story as a group, recalling it in order, piecing it together, and clarifying for each other when one gets lost.

  98. A designated student or group reads a section of a text and comes prepared to present or teach it to the class. Follow up with discussion for clarification.

  99. Make your own test

    Have students create their own test or essay questions about the text. This allows them to simultaneously think about the story and prepare for the test on it.

  100. Recasting the text

    Students rewrite a poem as a story, a short story as a poem or play. All rewrites should then be read and discussed so as to understand how the different genre work.

  101. Debates

    Students reading controversial texts or novels with debatable subjects such as 1984 should debate the issues.

  102. Literature circles

    Students gather in groups to discuss the text and then report out to the class for full-class discussion.

  103. That was then, this is now

    After reading the text, create a Before/After list to compare the ways in which characters or towns have changed over the course of the story. Follow up with discussion of reasons.

Start with a Book

Dive into Reading Rockets’ summer initiative, Start with a Book (opens in a new window). You’ll find topics kids love — dinosaurs, planets and stars, bugs and birds, detectives, flight — paired with children’s books, hands-on activities, and other great resources to encourage reading, exploring, and learning all summer long.


Excerpted from Burke, J., The English Teacher’s Companion: A Complete Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, and the Profession. Boynton/Cook Publishers. 1998.

For any reprint requests, please contact the author or publisher listed.