In preschool, children explore their environment and build the foundations for learning to read and write.
Children can:
- Enjoy listening to and discussing storybooks
- Understand that print carries a message
- Engage in reading and writing attempts
- Identify labels and signs in their environment
- Participate in rhymingWords that have the same ending sound. games
- Identify some letters and make some letter-sound matches
- Use known letters or approximations of letters to represent written language (especially meaningful words like their name and phrases such as “I love you”)
What teachers do:
- Share books with children, including Big Books, and model reading behaviors
- Talk about letters by name and sounds
- Establish a literacyThe ability to understand oral language, read fluently, and write well. -rich environment
- Reread favorite stories
- Engage children in language games
- Promote literacy-related play activities
- Encourage children to experiment with writing
What parents and family members can do:
- Talk with children, engage them in conversation, give names of things, show interest in what a child says
- Read and reread stories with predictable text to children
- Encourage children to recount experiences and describe ideas and events that are important to them
- Visit the library regularly
- Provide opportunities for children to draw and print, using markers, crayons, and pencils
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